Posted by brian jones 11 19/09/2021 22:54:39
Piccie of the armchair, big trough in the squab is there?
Cant really see what happening at the business end, the
spindle is clamped and you motor the y slide in and out to
cut the tooth, then index along x wise for the next tooth is it?
5 hours phew, were you compensated by the hour?
Could this duty not have been done with a motorbike chain?
Here is another view of the cutter and the rack .
Not really as bad as it sounds at 159 tooth and 2
minutes a tooth ,that is to cut the tooth retract set to
next position . 2 x 159 = 318 minutes 5 hours 9 minutes.
It is only a hobby machine ,i have 7 other machines
that run as part cnc that use the same system ,both Doreen and
Maureen have been Cnc'd for about 16 years.
It would of course be possible to have the all running at the same
time i guess it would be like
but much better to have just the one running at a time so you can
enjoy the

The bike chain idea has some appeal ,easy enough to nip into
town with a pair of bolt cutters ,plenty of choices there ,still
leaves the problem of cutting the sprockets ,back to one
tooth at a time ,another plan foiled.
I'm just worn out writing all of this,where's that armchair.