Posted by Jason B 8 10 2021 07:15:50
Brian Wrote
"I wonder what DP Myford gears were made to? They look crude and square CI to me at first glance must examine one closely. I stole a spotty neighbours kids USB microscope (Bresser) and it provides very usable pix at 20X on my PC screen, at 80x I can even see little living amoeba in our pond water, maybe grow some tardigrads"
Why on earth would you need to go to the trouble of using a microscope to find out the DP of Myford gears?
With all the links to various gear calculation charts in this thread etc You should have no difficulty in working it out all you need is OD and number of teeth which should be easy enough to see and in most cases give you a usable answer. PA has also been mentioned here and probably DP too. This is the way a beginner with limited resorces can work out gear sizes I would have thought that would be right up your street.
Hopefully beginners have learnt from this thread but from your methods to work out the DP of Myford gears you certainly have not picked up much useful information and it is no wonder you have not been able to come up with 2:1 gears yet as it's these every things that need to be understood to be able to design simple gears.
Edited By JasonB on 08/10/2021 08:07:40
I just wonder who that this reply was aimed at as all of Brian Jones 11 's postings seemed to have disappeared from this thread ,shades of Barrie Lever .I thought that the posting that you put up in Home cnc the other day here
"From Previous posts on here the Wabeco machines seem to perform well, have a look back for posts by barrie Lever. "
was bit daft as all of his postings have been removed and is only referred to as Former member.