I have never used any table, although I have them all.
I go by sight and sound.

1) The machine is ready to shaken itself to bits – too greedy with cut, depth or speed.
2) The swarf coming off glowing – speed to fast plus 1)
3) Swarf coming of in a nice long curling spiral – everything perfect, for me at least on MS
1) The machine groans/creaks – Greedy cut and speed as 1) in Sight
2) Motor labouring – Greedy cut or speed of cut.
3) Swarf flying off in blue chips – duck, stand well clear or wear suitable clothing.
3)Something goes bang! – You now know you have reached the limit of machine or tool.
VFD to the rescue!
I now adjust both speed and feed until machine & I am in harmony, and we jig along to whatever music is blaring out over the 'net.
Geoff – What more could an old f@rt want?