I wonder if I’m barking up totally the wrong tree.
I have been making wood plane blades for a while now. The process requires a piece of 3mm O1 tool steel to be cut into a particular shape, then tapered with a surface grinder before being profiled, hardened and sharpened. See a pic below of one of these blades being ground on the surface grinder.
It’s the cutting part I have trouble with. Basically these blades are 8” long, and require 2 lengthways cuts plus a cross cut. The cross cut is easily done with a hacksaw but the lengthways cuts are not – too long for the hacksaw and they need to be dead straight.
I have been using my little Burke horizontal mill to do this, but it’s an absolute pain to set up for such a simple cut. I can’t believe anyone who knows what they are doing, uses a horizontal mill for cutting 3mm plate tool steel, which is very soft in its annealed state.
I came across the Vevor 8” bench shear which looked hopeful. Clearly it would introduce some bending/twisting action but this may be recoverable from.
If anybody has any great ideas, I’d be very pleased! I’m spending far too long messing around, making these simple cuts.