Some years ago when ower Gert was alive and selling on Ebay and Metoolsonline, we used to make loads of division plates.
Generic ones that mimicked the B&s ones but had extra sets of holes in like 63, 50 and 127.
Clones of the Myford ones but again with extra holes, 50 and 127 in this case.
But after talks with Alan Timmins who gave us a list of all the different division needed on clocks we worked out in Excel what hole numbers would be needed to produce these divisions using 40:1 or 60: dividing heads.
These were called our watchmaker plates, 4 in number and very accurately made and finished.
144 could be got on these plates at 60:1 ratio by using 10/24 and at 40:1 ratio by using 5/18
Since Gert died, Ebay and the Metoolonline site have been closed but hopefully early next year myself and the Delectable Debs hope to have the Metoolsonline site back up and running again to showcase what we made before and also some of Debs work as from about 14 she has been closely associated with the Scale 7 Loco Society making specialist products on her own lathes, mills and CNC.
To this end we are slowly stocking up on things like dividing plates, gear gauges, gears, drawbars plus a load more bits so hopefully we won't get down to low stock levels.
Edited By John Stevenson on 06/10/2016 21:50:11