Posted by Bob Stevenson on 03/07/2020 14:26:57:
I find it sad and depressing when someone asks for advice and apparently is interested in all views but then, when they hear the result and it does not chime with their already cast and forthright opinion, they can only be rude and abusive,…especially when the advice/help has been given honestly and in an entirerely helpful spirit, based on observed events and efforts to help other craftspeople.
I have actually watched beginning clock makers for 10 years and I am often asked for advice and help with the methods and processes of clock making and restoration. I have also been asked to guide people attempting the practical sections of the BHI professional qualification course and every person has passed including a pass mark which was only one point below the recorded highest score (so I have been informed) I'm by no means an horologist or even an expert clock maker and my usual method is to try to guide people with the best suggestion that I think will be helpful and enable them to find their own solution to the particular problem or task.
The tricky thing about making clock wheels, and indeed all clock making, is that it is a highly intuitive craft which, in the hhands of a good exponent, crosses over into an art form. Unfortunatately many keen people making clocks never get to realise how important this is or the extent of this influence, and everyone has a different level of awareness, not to mention satisfaction……..
At teh end of the day, I have no wish to 'help' anyone who can't be helped….I have better things to do.
Bob et al:
Let's put things in context i simply got upset over your opinion that my approach to clock making / repair was doomed to failure, effectively for taking onboard a wider spectrum of investigation to achieve my results. It is annoying to most folk to be told your way of thinking is fundamentally wrong.
It is fine you have a good opinion of your work but respect the fact many folk use various methods to achieve their results. To say I cannot be helped because I do not agree with your opinion is not helpful, neither is it to treat some one with 3 years experience as a total greenhorn. Your 10 years experience makes you more experienced than me but still not enough years under your belt yet to deem you an expert.
I fully see (now) you may have not intended insult but maybe a little more thought the scenario could have been avoided as I took it as outside the scope of my question provoking a negative response.
i am currently exploring using a scroll saw which I am modifying as well as improving my milling capabilities, I can always fall back on the hand saw and I see no wrong thinking in my investigations.
If you wish to be a traditionalist fine, I respect that..but respect the fact others have their rights to think for themselves.
My final comment is that I take a very dim view of third parties interference, not something I would do as it is a minor fall out on a point of principal and this is not helped by such action.