Posted by Alan Rawlins on 26/05/2015 08:46:07:
Is there any reason why the cutting tool on a flycutter is usually a small square section like 1/4" or 5/16" ? Why not a 1/2" or 12mm cutting tool?
Also what is the reason for the main block, that the cutting tool is fastened to, at such a high angle?
Is there an optimum size that the flycutter should be made to? If so what criteria is used to determine this size?
The front face of the toolbit is on the centreline so it has limits unless you want a huge unit.
The angle is to give clearance on a square toolbit. You can have flat ones if you use a lathe tool. I have also made one using just a flat disc and two round toolbits held vertically with pinch screws.
Overall diameter will be limited by the torque and minimum speed of your mill.