Thanks, Neil. I did post the following to the Ultimaker Forum and got the response shown:
———————- (snip) ———————-
Is there a plugin or whatever for Cura 4.7 that will allow changes to the screen interface?
In particular I'd like to turn off the explanatory pop-ups whenever I hover over a setting.
In fact, in my case, the hover time is considerably less than a second (around half at a guess)
which means it acts more like a roll-over than a hover and I find the resultant, continual
pop-ups very annoying.
Come to think of it, wide control of the hover time would be even better than the ability
to turn off the pop-ups completely.
There is no plugin that disables the popups, or that lets you control the hover time. If you want to change the hover time, it is hardcoded at 500 ms here:
resources/qml/Settings/SettingItem.qml (line 126)
———————- (snip) ———————-
At first, I thought that meant I'd have to change some source code and recompile but my programming experience is a fair way in the past and even then limited to machine-code, 8080/Z80 assembler and the simpler higher level languages. Definitely not the C-varieties.
However, having briefly looked at it, I now think that means I simply edit (notepad++) the version of SettingItem.qml that I already have in my Cura/Resources/qml/settings directory and change line 126
If that's so it will be great and give me (and anyone else who wants to try) full control. I'll try it this afternoon.
Edited By Bandersnatch on 03/09/2020 18:26:01