So it’s a set-up photo for illustrative purposes in an advert. So what? So is almost every other photo in every other advert ever.
Food adverts for decades have not had any real food in them. There is a whole industry making plastic lookalikes that look better than the real thing. Or having a chef prepare a one-off from materials that look good but probably taste awful because the meat may not even be meat and the lettuce may well be plastic. Ditto the cheese. See below. And these days, Photoshop enhancement is the norm, whether the picture is the latest new car or a model in the latest pair of pants. For 100 years before that, airbrushing old black and white photos to enhance them was the norm. Look at any old Myford catalogue or brochure.
It’s advertising. Its connection with reality is tenuous at best. But it works. As Ian P noted already, here we all are talking about Cowells. Their photo was probably set up by the photographer, working with the marketing person. No machinists involved. Situation normal.