In bigger gauges coupling rods are bronze bushed and run on steel crankpins.
Wear (when it happens) is to the bushes, which can be easily re-bushed when needed.
In gauge O there is no space for bushes.
LBSC makes coupling rods from "steel strip" and says:
"…There is no need to bother about bushing such weeny rods for the first kick-off….If in the course of time they should wear and begin to rattle, they can easily be taken off, drilled out and bushed with a scrap of bronze in a few minutes…"
Evans suggests that crankpin holes in the coupling rod should be case hardened (with silver steel crankpins).
Eddie Cooke says:
"…I case-harden as the fitting of bushes would require a large hole to be drilled, which would leave very little metal round it. Hardened eyes will outlast umpteen bushes and are easier to make…"
Clarry Edwards, similarly says:
"…Crankpins are silver steel and coupling rods filed from 3/32" mild steel… the ends sre case hardened…"
So in summary the recommendation seem to be:
silver steel crankpins, mild steel coupling rods (no bushes) with case hardened ends
My question is about wear of such a combination?
Will the cranpins wear before coupling rods?
Would it be better to harden crankpins as well?
I realise that majority here will have experience of bigger gauges, but it's worth asking the question…