A word of caution !
One of the 3 main considerations you should apply to any purchasing decision is "who is the supplier".
I point this out because Lidl are not specialists in anything other than cheap grocery distribution.
How does this affect you?
Well, quite often when we buy something we know little about the actual product we are buying. Things can go wrong with them that we as a consumer cannot forsee . . . . because we have very little prior experience of the actual product.
We rely on the professionalism, the honesty & the integrity of the supplier to only supply a tested & proven product.
I have never shopped at Lidl, simply because my first & only experience of this kind of retailer put me off for life.
I bought one of those £69.99 air compressors from Aldi with all the tools that made it seem like such a bargain, I rushed home to plug it in & . . . . when the air gauge went into the red & the motor didn't stop I didn't panic, I simply walked calmly away from the bomb in my workshop, into the house & flipped the master switch for the whole house's electric circuit.
A simple finger wipe of grease was lacking from a very important safety function. I knew this before I called the support line 'cos I stripped it down & diagnosed it myself, yet the Aldi support line was in denial mode.
They were in denial mode because Aldi had millions of boxes of these things in warehouses & en-route from China which they've paid for & their lawyers have advised them that the potential liability of any possible claims of exploding 24l tanks of compressed air is much, much less than the cost of scrapping the remaining stock !