All the angle grinders I've ever used, right back to the Wolf Grindette I started with, have had a positive on-off power switch. All have been rather small and needed a bit of technique to operate either way. Current Makita device being about the worst. The old Wolf got retired from active service when it became grumbly but still sits in reserve. Certainly the longest lasting one although the Makita is now only two years behind.
When I bought the Makita I did consider the alternative version which came with a spring loaded butterfly switch that did have to be held on. Mild concerns over whether the fixed hand position needed to operate the switch would make it harder to position the disk at the best angle and more major concerns about £20 higher price. Then Lawsons had a £20 off with free carry case deal for the standard, non butterfly switch, version at the same time as the Black and Decker one I was using died which decided the issue.
These days with the 1 mm cutting disks getting a lot of use I'm convinced that a hold on switch would interfere with operation.
Edited By Clive Foster on 18/05/2021 09:10:43