Could you write for MEW?


Could you write for MEW?

Home Forums Model Engineer & Workshop Could you write for MEW?

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  • #560507
    Neil Wyatt

      Looking at the stock of articles I have for MEW, I have a fair reserve, but I seem to be a little short of articles in the range of 6-12 pages long.

      This is a great length for articles that explore a technique in some detail, or describe the making of useful tools.

      I am particularly keen to receive articles on topics such as:

      • Making 'classic designs' updated for a modern workshop (e.g. taking advantage of the wider range of tools and materials we now have available).
      • Interesting techniques old or new that may not be obvious (e.g. casting rubber, sewing leather, splicing rope, new uses of 3D printing, sharpening tools).
      • Measurement and precision – especially unusual examples, such as spring rates or comparing material properties.
      • Materials – always interesting to have a good review of a group of materials, their uses and properties.
      • Good, practical tool designs.
      • Painting and finishing – I get very little on these topics. Something of fettling and finishing castings to a high standard would be good.
      • Reader's workshops or interesting tooling – such articles are much appreciated by readers.

      But this list is by no means exclusive, any subject relating to hobby engineering is potentially of interest.

      Perhaps the best guide is to think what would YOU be interested in reading about?

      Anyone interested in contributing to MEW (past or potential new writers) can email me at, and I will send you an author pack.

      I'm happy to receive potential articles 'on spec' but it's best to contact me first before investing a lot of time writing anything long or complex.

      Many thanks,


      Edited By JasonB on 31/08/2021 14:48:53

      Edited By JasonB on 01/09/2021 11:50:39

      Neil Wyatt
        Dave S


          Think there may be a typo in your email address?



            I've edited it, just can't get the staffsmile p

            Brian Wood

              Hello Neil,

              If it is not too much trouble it might be useful information, especially for those thinking about writing an article for the first time, to give some idea of the word count that fits the average page in the magazine, making an allowance for, say, two photos per page.

              Then your request for material in the 6 to 12 page range gives an idea of how much work is involved.




                When I did the milling for beginners series each one would be around 2250 words and 10-12 images per 4 page article.

                So something like 3500-7000 words and 15-30 images for 6-12 pages.

                Gary Wooding


                  Your address is missing the 'i' from 'mytimemedia' – it's resolving to 'mytmemedia'.


                    Should work now, I had changed what was visible but not the hidden code

                    Brian Wood

                      Thank you Jason, that gives a helpful guide




                        Also don't forget that a drawing can soon fill a page, from what I've done for ME an A4 drawing gets reproduced to A5 size in the mag so two A4 or A3 size would fill a mag page.


                          is this case still relevant?

                          Peter G. Shaw

                            Wasn't there an article very recently giving a new email address for Neil now that the magazine has a new owner??!!

                            Peter G. Shaw


                              Peter refers to this recent thread, link provided is to page 3 where Neil discusses what he'd like to see under new ownership. Although Neil's old email should still work, his new one is

                              I guess the subjects listed in the older thread are still relevant.


                              Peter G. Shaw


                                It wasn't actually. It was the thread titled "NEW CONTACT EMAIL FOR MEW EDITOR". Not that it matters, just as long as everyone somehow gets to use the new address.

                                As a matter of interest, how does one set up the "recent thread" as Dave has above?


                                Peter G. Shaw

                                  Posted by Peter G. Shaw on 15/04/2022 15:14:11:


                                  It wasn't actually. It was the thread titled "NEW CONTACT EMAIL FOR MEW EDITOR". Not that it matters, just as long as everyone somehow gets to use the new address.

                                  As a matter of interest, how does one set up the "recent thread" as Dave has above?


                                  Peter G. Shaw

                                  Whoops! But it was the thread where Neil listed possible subjects. I claim a near miss!

                                  Two ways of identifying earlier threads:

                                  1. Remember someone who posted in it and scroll through their posts to find it. Works best on recent posts, and infrequent posters. It's how I found Neil's post in the 'MEW,ME, RCM&E and Model Boats under new ownership' thread. An individual's posts are listed if you click on the forum post count, circled in red below:



                                  >2. You can use the Google search out of sight halfway down the Home page to look for almost anything inside the forum. A search on member name, word, phrase, or subject should list possibilities. Bit of an art to Google searching, but it's powerful. The Home page is opened by clicking HOME in the black banner, circled in blue in the screenshot above. Then scroll down tediously to find the Google search box and button:


                                  Having found the thread, I copy its URL from the Browser's address bar and paste it into the post as a link with the button that looks like a bit of chain in the forum editor's tool-bar.



                                  Edited By JasonB on 15/04/2022 18:30:10

                                  Peter G. Shaw

                                    Thanks Dave, I'll have to have a go sometime. Maybe as a test file.

                                    Peter G. Shaw

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