Thanks for replies, and apologies for not being clear about the 'plug'. Jason's suspicion about the shellac was spot on – I glued the plug in so I could mount the work in a tailstock collet, offer it up to the 4-jaw to get somewhere near, take away the tailstock to index off the plug, then remove the plug and bore. As I am perhaps going to do now.
I'm slightly pleased with myself because I had considered almost all the solutions proffered – usually when I post my problems I get replies which make me think doh, I'd be better off taking up knitting as a hobby. Maybe I'm slowly getting better at this game!
What I didn't think of until too late was that I could have asked the chap to give me the chuck as well as the insert, then I could have bunged his chuck in the 4-jaw, indexed off the chuck body, screwed in the insert and bored – that would guarantee concentricity – essentially the same as Paul's method.
A difficulty for me was that I wasn't sure where to take a reference from. I had thought about Hopper's approach but I've not had much luck in the past using screw threads as a reference for this sort of work, so (perhaps wrongly) rejected the idea. I ended up thinking that if I made the new bore parallel and concentric with with the old I could hardly be criticised. Hence my method.
Ian – you are quite right. The insert is a Nova IQNS or Sorby equivalent, M30 internal thread – I mistyped. The difficulty was that it had to fit to the the nose of an Arundel J4 Senior lathe which has a 32mm register. I think that's unusual.
I bored out to to 32.02 – fitted like a glove, client satisfied. I think I got away with it!!
Edited By Robin Graham on 19/02/2021 01:09:45