Posted by Peter Simpson 3 on 04/01/2023 09:22:52:
… SHMBO said she would get some Lemsip when she went out. She tried 3 shops all sold out ! …
Not just Lemsip, there are many odd shortages in the shops at the moment. No tinned tomatoes, mince, Lasagne Sauce, Coffeemate or Nougat in my big local Tesco last week. Almost out of filtered milk, and the cereal section was empty, though I didn't need any.
Several reasons. Leaving the EU, high energy prices slowing down businesses, global supply difficulties, ongoing recovery from COVID and its reappearance, value of the pound sagging, reduced confidence in the UK economy, labour shortages, high sickness rate including a nasty-ish flu, war in Europe, threat to Taiwan, and more.
Faced with a temporary shortage I switch to alternatives. Another cold-cure, or make my own from plain paracetamol, lemon juice, and maybe a generic decongestant. Just don'[t overdose, and make sure the mix isn't contra-indicated with any prescription drugs.