My experience is that the generic Chinese readout head products are of good quality and value for money. However the accuracy and repeatability of a DRO system is mainly down to the quality of the scales and the rigidity of their fixing to the machine. Devising and making a suitable mounting arrangement may be difficult for a beginner especially fitting one to an old machine not designed for a DRO.
Where long scales are needed I use glass scales as they are in aluminium cases but for short scales and certainly where space is restricted I use the magnetic scales. Also magnetic scales are good if you are uncertain about the amount of travel needed as the magnetic scale "tape" can be cut to any length required and if cut too short the tape is quite cheap.
Glass scales lengths are usually quoted as being overall length rather than movement range which is less so allowance must be made plus 20mm extra margin.
As has already been mentioned the fixing brackets supplied with most Chinese scales are inadequate but suitable brackets/clamps/shafts etc can be purchased from say PlanetCNC to build a suitable fixing arrangement.
It is difficult to be specific as each machine has its own challenges so it might pay to use the Blue Peter method of using wood, cardboard and glue to make a mock up before final purchase. It is even quite cheap to purchase lengths of 20×30 mm extruded Ali tube to mimic glass scales.
Although the readout bars are quite good they don't provide the extra functions often needed on mills.