Hi There
Copyright in an article as originally written or modified stays with the author until 75 years after his death.
The copyright of an article as laid out and published belongs to Myhobbystore Ltd. We can supply photocopies and also reprint the entire magazine including all articles and adverts as originally published as a printed magazine, on a CD or on the web.
We can’t reuse the articles on their own.
The author cannot offer reprints of the article as laid out.
Some authors such as Edgar westbury and Martin Evans were employed by Model Engineer and their articles are copyright Myhobbystore Ltd.
That is why the recent free plans in Model engineer were by these two authors.
I have permission from Tom Walshaw’s (Tubal Cain) widow to put his articles on the web.
If anyone reading this has written for ME or MEW and would like their articles to appear on the web, please email me at
regards David
Edited By David Clark 1 on 26/05/2009 13:11:04