Useful tip for "decorative " rivets i.e. tender sides running boards and similar locations where the rivet is not required to actually hold something .
Take a length of copper wire from scrap electrical twin and earth cable ( easy to scrounge offcuts ) I mostly use the earth conductor as you don't have to strip the insulation , anneal said bit of wire , drill a hole a neat fit for said wire . Cut a clean end on the wire using electrical snips without leaving an upstanding " V " on the end . It is most important that the end is flat . Lay job on a steel block and push the wire into the hole until it contacts the block . Drop a washer down the wire until it lays on the job ( you will need to experiment on a bit of scrap to get correct thickness of the washer Start with about 40 thou for a dummy 1/16 th size .) Using the snips with their flat face against the washer cut the wire flush with the washer . remove the washer and use a rivet snap to form a head on the protruding bit of copper . Takes one tap with a hammer . This dummy rivet wont fall out and neither will it leak if it is in an unpressurised tank . DO NOT do this if there is pressure involved also not suitable for holding components together .
Took a lot longer to write than it does to do it . P.S save the Washer( s) and bits of left over wire for future use .