I have just tested my clear Led with 820 ohm resistor in series on my 40 year old coil and distributer ignition Fiesta.
1 Connected Led to battery, Led lit.
2 Started and revved engine ,left running 5 minutes ,still lit.
3 Turned engine off ,still lit.
4 Connected Led between points side of coil and ground.
5 Started engine ,Led lit ,revved as before,left running, still lit.
6 Stopped engine ,Led not lit, restarted engine ,Led lit
7 Connected Picoscope to check for spikes
The above is battery voltage with engine running.
The above is across the coil connected to Led leads
Hope this helps regarding spikes etc, negative spikes 20v positive approx 130 v
This is why I think there is a wiring fault in the car
The spikes do not affect the Led
Edited By Maurice Taylor on 17/08/2020 14:19:15