I know the supply is spiky – from the flickering of the flasher LED. I cannot suggest another reason for that LED to flicker.
Now some other responses:
the white LED (from E-… like most of the others) comes fitted with wires with bulges in. I presume these include the necessary resistance. Other similar but coloured LEDs – same 3mm type – are OK so far.
The dynamo is regulated and charges at about 14.2v – the same voltage is applied to all the other bits of the system.
No I have not measured the voltage at the LED, but I have a voltmeter (see above) across the feed to the Charging socket, which is connected to the LED in question through the sidelights switch, so no reason to be higher.
The regulations for headlights specify that for some (not all) vehicles any required lights using filament bulbs must be properly marked. This has caused a huge raft of confusion as it is interpreted by users and dealers as covering LEDs. My view is that LEDs are not filament bulbs. I don't think the matter has come before the courts.
The actual regs covering my vehicle require a headlamp. No more – I have two and they both dip. I invite the court to consider which is safer, your honour …
I will try a capacitor in the feed – as close as possible, or up to 60mm away?
As far as I am able to search, I can find no part number (etc ) for the LED which fails. But I recognise that alternative sources might be better or worse at curing this (minor) problem. So I will see what I can find. The oil gauge is in the original dashboard position, but no provision for lighting it was made back in 1928. Proper oil pressure is now more important as more modern big ends etc are fitted.
Anything else? I will try to help if I can – thanks