These Photo’s of split boxes may be of use to you.
Follow these instructions……
1 Go To…
2 Click on his “links” page
3 Click on “An engine from castings” photo doc by a Very talented Japanese gentleman.
4 Scroll a little down the page and find Driving wheel assembly 1 from 20 july 2008
5 click on assembly 1 photos and scroll down to the axlebox photos.
Once you have seen these photos, you will have a good understanding of how to mount, slit saw and produce keeps. They say a picture reads a thousand words.
For a beginner like me you often wish there was more such photos to hand like this.
Check out the whole build this gentleman has done, you will truly be stunned. everything is from scratch……!!!!! great photos
spring manufacture, grippers and pads, special tooling
wheel turning and quartering jig
casting and pattern and much more
Hope this helps
Edited By Kieran Sparks on 07/06/2009 16:13:09