Been watching this with some amusement.
Am a fully paid up Luddite (aka Ancient Oddity or Dinosaur – although they went extinct a long time ago! )
The older Mill/Drill is Imperial to match nearly all my measuring kit. The lathe is Metric but dual dialled, so MOSTLY, I work in Imperial. (Using a digital Calliper most of the time with a mechanical instrument for a second opinion )
The drawings / sketches and calculations are mostly on the back of an envelope, often thinking in Fractions, which appear as decimal inches on the envelope!
Was taught Log tables at school, and the virtues of mental approximation, but starting work had to learn how to use a slide rule (Had never fathomed father's Japanese Bamboo one! )
Was told at Tech that it was basically, log tables plotted out in linear form. THEN the penny dropped, and was amazed at the accuracy with which results could be interpolated.
Too ignorant to really write my own programs, but do use EXCEL for spreadsheets.
The one that I wrote (? concocted ) to correct my HV6 expands from time to time. Just insert a new number of divisions, and it tells you how many turns and holes are needed (CANNOT find a drill to drill decimals of hole though! )
Would take up 3D printing, IF I could think of a use for the things that I make / mend / modify.
Favourite calculator is solar powered, so has to be used under a light after dark!