Posted by DC31k on 17/03/2023 21:13:21:
I do not think I said anything about multiplying in anyone's head.
No it was the fact that the conversion was a factor of 1000 which you said, so should not require a calculator to convert eg
367thou/inch = 367,000microns/meter
If the question had been how to convert thou to microns then yes a calculator and 25.4 come into play but that is not what teh OP seems to be asking.
"The sites I have discovered appear to be limited to straight forward unit to unit conversions as opposed to a unit/unit to unit/unit conversion."
Here it is entered into that online calculator I posted yesterday as you can see just multiply the imperial by 1000 which should be possible in your head
Or if you want to do it long hand you can see that the answer is 1000 times larger than the original imperial value
So as a practical example if the OP has a Taper as Bazyle suggests of say 367thou / inch (0.367/1) then in metric that would be 367,000microns / meter or 367mm / meter. or 0.367m / m which sounds rather like the imperial length/length we started with. Plot it on CAD if you need proof that the angle is the same.
Edited By JasonB on 18/03/2023 08:03:37
Edited By JasonB on 18/03/2023 10:01:38