Well, I just found another feature that also accomplishes it. Draw an ellipse the size of the insiide end, tell it to extrude a boss of the right length, and tell it to put a draft angle of about -1.5 degrees (according to taste and length of spoke) and Bob is your parental sibling. Of course I couldn’t machine a spoke that shape to save myself, although I have machined a nice curved spoke flywheel from solid. Actually with some low cunning I could do the individual spoke shape, but not while it was part of the rest of the wheel. I would do it between centres on the shaper, with one centre raised to give the taper.
Hey, I only figured out about putting planes where I wanted them yesterday…
There are some funny quirks, like you go to set some dmensions for a rectangle, the first is OK, then the second it wants to pick the same two sides again. No, you stupid machine, I wanted the other two. But in a couple of days I have knocked up an almost complete set of models for the Rina engine, apart from the carburettor, which I guess I will have added within a day or two.