I built a workshop a few years ago – 2018 as I recall. It’s a building within a large barn which is 100 foot long, 20 foot high to the peak of the roof, and about 35 foot wide, timber structure with a wriggly tin roof – an old sawmill here in France.
The workshop is about 5.28 metres long by 3.2 metre wide.
I built it using 50 sheets of OSB 3 from the UK at £10 per sheet + loads of 2 x 4 cls x 2.5 metres – forget the price – so the walls and roof are nominally 4 inch thick, double skin 11 mm osb 3, insulated with rockwool, no ventilation and as airtight as possible apart from when the doors are opened.
This past week we have had really cold temps, for here, temps of – 1.0 to +1.0 temps for a couple of days. then it went to + 11 C yesterday with rain so immediately very humid
Everything in the barn was dripping with condensation, so checked the workshop + 8.0 C – no heating and no condensation.
I’ll post some photos when I can find them.