Condensation will occur when for a given level of relative humidity, the temperature falls below the dew point.
The dew point will vary according to ambient pressure, ambient temperature, and relative humidity.
We demist a car windscreen by blowing warm air over it to raise the temperature, since we are unlikely to be able to reduce the humidity of the air brought in
Recirculating the air, for a quick warm up, is likely to be less effective, since because of the water vapour that we exude, the humidity will increase.
The warmer, fresh, air will absorb the moisture, and the fan will ventilate the interior, by displacing the moist air, minimising humidity.
Mostly, we are concerned with steel which will rust in the presence of water and oxygen.
So the objective is to maintain conditions where the hunidity is low and teleperature is high enough, to prevent condensation.
Dehunididiers reduce the water vapour in the atmosphere, Heaters m(As long as they do not contributen bwater vapour) serve to keep mthe temperature above the dew point.
Small amounts of ventilation will allow moist air (water vapour) to be removed. You don’t need big vents, just enough to let out the moist air, at floor vlevel, to be replaced by drier air at high level.
A LOT of air will pass through a 13 mm hole, not enough to lower the temperature drastically, but nsuffivient to allow mthe moist air to be replaced.
Most of the time, just removinmg, or rducing the moisture content will mprevent condemsation.
In a former small workshop, without ventilation, the oil sprayed onto the Myford would often be grey as it emulsified. In the present, well insulated, shop, (10’9″ x 6’9″ external) with just a couple of grilled 25 mm holes at floor level, and a weatherproof, cowled, 6″ fan at ceiling level, without heating, in East Anglia, condensation is normally not a problem.
If the ambient is expected to fall ,below freezing, a 80 watt tubular heater under the fitting bench sxerves to keep mthen teperature above the dew point.
The 2 Kw thermostatically controlled fan heater is there for my comfort, and runs very little once the temperature has reached 18C.
Working in a perfectly sealed space will have two effects.
1) The hunidity will rise because of your presence, increasing humidity, emitting moist air as you breathe and perspire.
2) Eventually, you will consume all the oxygen and die.
So, ventilation IS necessary. Not excessive, just enough to keep you alive and humidity below the point where condensation occurs.