The first consideration in swapping the top slide hand wheel to the other end may be which way the table moves for clockwise rotation (ie numbers increasing). On the top slide, the hand wheel is fixed to the table, whereas it is fixed to the base for the lower axis. This means that the top screw is RH thread, and the lower screw LH, both so as clockwise rotation moves the table in the away direction. I think it will be OK, but you should check how this will turn out for whatever change you want.
Both the nuts and the gibs and their adjustment screws are part of the middle block assembly. At a quick look, the dovetail ways are machined central on the other parts, the top slide and the base. So not guaranteed, but the top slide should stay central if reversed. You would still need to drill the hole for the second nut position. The lateral placement would need to be checked carefully, though again I suspect the complete lead screw set up is nominally central on each axis. The options would then be to reverse the slide, or to drill and tap new lead screw mounting holes at the other end of it, possibly decided by which way round gives better smoothness of travel.
Further Experience
I have now used the table in earnest to drill 1mm holes in 2mm wide flat conductors in a small electrical cut-out. Precise positioning was very easy. The material had previously work hardened with HSS, but an Ebay carbide drill zoomed through after first making a location pip with a diamond point.
The remaining issue is that the top slide is stiffer in one direction, and this is due to the nut taking up different sideways positions. Rather than to locktite the nuts in place, I have decided to drill and tap holes for clamp screws. These need to go in the centre block and parallel to the lead screws. To make up the length and avoid marking the nuts, I expect to use small brass rods under the clamp screws.