Your are quite right – this sort of divergence occurs in a jiffy..However, my point remains – If the requestor is deterred by the topic-drift, he is unlikely to come back and post his solution now is he? And by the same token, neither to say Thank You. Another observation – I spent a half hour digging through a number of posts and found a few that would annoy even me a little – eg, A fellow who asked aid WRT a particular clamping problem on a Warco mill ,suffered the precise topic drift I mentioned. No useful solutions were presented, but a lot of advice was given related to why he should rather have purchased the next size up mill…which eventually become a discussion on fitting a VFD to the bigger mill….
The fellow DID eventually post how he solved the milling problem he had asked about, and promptly 5 more responded, each saying that there was a better way to have done that, etc. Where where these know-it-alls when the chap first asked for help?? Enough to make him think twice next time..
I think some basic civility, manners, and humility to say you have no idea how to help, if you really have the need to post at all, will help all to be Gentlemen.
I used to post a lot on all my activities and doings, not to brag on the forum, but I felt the need to show what I have done in return for the many ideas I gleaned from other peoples postings of there activities. I have just by reading peoples posts, and looking at there albums, found a trove of info and ideas that help me in my ventures and hoped that my posts may similarly promote thought in others, and did this in a way of saying Thank you. Some of the responses however….And so, as I am merely a visitor here, I would rather not tread to heavily on others toes.