Sorry to bother you good gets again and thanks for resolving my previous issues through relocating to France.
Today I went to my local Leclerc Bati and acquired an 11kg propane bottle. Alas and alack when I tried to connect my Sievert torc kit that I bought, in England, a few years ago it was something of a mismatch.
So off to Leclerc Bati again, complete with torch hose and pressure regulator to see if I could find a way of making the connection.
After a lengthy explanation in my best franglais, rubbish that is, I came away diaappointed.
It seems, after subsequent research on the Sievert website, that the French union to propane bottles does not conform to any european standard?
I was offered apressure regulator to fit the bottle but its out let thread would not fit my hose.
Has anyone else come across this problem and if so did you find a solution? please help.