As your recent contribution:
[Posted by David Clark 1 on 25/08/2011 08:54:30]
appeared to indicate you felt you had an ability to make a determination about it, and as I am no expert on that subject, I felt my question was appropriate.
As I have no special knowledge on the subject it seems best to refer to reference sources:
A modern source, Wikipedia, rather long windedly says:
“A cognitive bias is the human tendency to make systematic errors in certain circumstances based on cognitive factors rather than evidence. Such biases can result from information-processing shortcuts called heuristics. They include errors in judgment,social attribution, and memory. Cognitive biases are a common outcome of human thought, and often drastically skew the reliability of anecdotal and legal evidence. It is a phenomenon studied in cognitive science and social psychology.”
My rather old copy of The Shorter Oxford Dictionary is more succinct & says:
“An inclination, leaning, bent; predisposition towards; prediliction; prejudice”
There is nothing in any of the references I have seen that contain any evidence that questions about bias do not apply equally to everyone. Not being an expert, but if I were to be cautiously minded, I would, especially in a public arena, be very reluctant to hint, much less accuse anyone of bias lest I might be seen to acting with bias myself.
Would you not agree?
If you do not I suppose you could always delete the thread.
Edited By David Southwell ARPS on 25/08/2011 10:43:11
Edited By David Southwell ARPS on 25/08/2011 10:46:12