Commercial projects???


Commercial projects???

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions Commercial projects???

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        Dear website members,

        Just took ME4411 out of my letterbox. Now I was quite surprised reading in David’s editorial about a ‘commercial project’ on the website (he means this website, doesn’t he?).

        I don’t pretend having read each and every line here in the last weeks, more so because I was abroad for a couple of days. But I cannot remember anything about a commercial project. Can somebody update me on this subject?

        And a further point: the remarks about toys and prams are really difficult to understand for us foreigners. Translation, please!

        Greetings, Hansrudolf

          The threads have been deleted so you may well have missed them, The person who started the threads may enlighten you.
          Phil P
            Toys & Prams
            It means the same thing as when a child has had a tantrums and thrown its toys out of the pram to try and get its parents attention.
            Sometimes we use the term “spat his dummy out” as well.
            I have no idea how its use on this website should be interpreted, but the above should give you an idea of its general meaning.
            Sorry I cannot help answer you question regarding “commercial projects” I am sure someone who knows will tell us all.
            Ian S C
              I suppose that almost any project could become a “commercial project”, but it can go the other way. It depends how the questions are asked or information given, but generally the ones I consider commercial are easily picked and ignored, it was much worse in another site, and it had to be closed down, and restarted after we got an invasion. Ian S C
              Stephen Benson
                I have often thought that skilled men in sheds and garages are an under used resource that somebody could help them to supplement pensions with interesting useful work.
                I have some idea and I am sure others have to but this is not the place for these discussions I guess.
                David Southwell ARPS

                  If one were being asked in this forum to write an article for ME should one refuse to discuss lest the thread be banned because it is a thread about a commercial project?

                  Edited By David Southwell ARPS on 24/08/2011 17:06:28

                  David Clark 13
                    Hi David
                    David If one were being asked in this forum to write an article for ME should one refuse to discuss lest the thread be banned because it is a thread about a commercial project?
                    Yes, you are quite right about that being a comercial project.
                    I will go and delete all of Graham Meek’s details about his screwcutting item being published comercially in a competing magazine.
                    (When I have had a cup of coffee.)
                    Thank you for pointing this out.
                    regards David

                    Edited By David Clark 1 on 24/08/2011 19:12:43

                    John Stevenson 1
                      Posted by David Clark 1 on 24/08/2011 19:07:31:

                      Hi David

                      I will go and delete all of Graham Meek’s details about his screwcutting item being published comercially in a competing magazine.
                      (When I have had a cup of coffee.)
                      Thank you for pointing this out.
                      regards David

                      Edited By David Clark 1 on 24/08/2011 19:12:43

                      Careful, That may backfire when people go to buy the ‘other’ magazine to read Graham’s article and perhaps find they like that mag in preference.
                      John S.
                        Posted by John Stevenson on 24/08/2011 19:39:51:

                        Posted by David Clark 1 on 24/08/2011 19:07:31:

                        Hi David

                        I will go and delete all of Graham Meek’s details about his screwcutting item being published comercially in a competing magazine.
                        (When I have had a cup of coffee.)
                        Thank you for pointing this out.
                        regards David

                        Edited By David Clark 1 on 24/08/2011 19:12:43

                        Careful, That may backfire when people go to buy the ‘other’ magazine to read Graham’s article and perhaps find they like that mag in preference.
                        John S.
                        If they want that particular article, then they’ve got to buy the other magazine anyway, haven’t they – or is it going to be reproduced on this website?
                          ooh you are awful.
                          but I like you.
                          (For HansRudolph-That one is Dick Emery from the 1970s)

                          Edited By ady on 24/08/2011 20:54:32

                          Edited By ady on 24/08/2011 21:00:42

                            Thanks for that link – what a trip down memory lane!
                            David Clark 13
                              Hi John
                              Perhaps it is good that I don’t drink coffee.
                              This site is run by a comercial enterprise.
                              Perhaps we should shut it down?
                              regards David
                                This is developing into farce!
                                If an article is paid for then it is a commercial project? Hence all articles for ME are a commercial project, afterall certain well known designs published and hence publicised in ME are available from various commercial concerns!!
                                Gray was not trying to sell his designs and drawings to us, merely drawing attention to a project that was carried out 20 years and now updated and has been made available in principle for other machines.
                                What is wrong with that??
                                David Clark 13
                                  Hi Kwil
                                  I don’t know what is wrong with that?
                                  regards David
                                    Hi David [moderator] I sincerely hope you do not delete Graham Meeks thread on screwcutting. I was very interested to learn where and when his article will be published and I will buy the magazine for that period–I’ve tried EIM and it does not suit my tast generally, to much steam, so I will not change from MEW.
                                    Why all the knit picking about commercial projects? If he makes a few bob by having his idea published well good luck to him–commercial projects make the world go round. If he was going into production and using the forum to advertise then I would understand but he does not appear to be doing this at all and his thread is just passing knowledge on to other like minded people.
                                    An old guy I worked with as an improver some 40years ago often said “knowledgw withheld is knowledge lost” and it is very true!
                                    chris stephens
                                      Hi Lech,
                                      Re your last para,
                                      How true, it’s a shame that not all believe in that philosophy isn’t it.
                                      Ian S C
                                        One example started in miscellaneous models as a plough, it’s now under shopping partners as Tyler Steam Models, I think thats the way things should work. Ian S C

                                        Edited By Ian S C on 25/08/2011 05:03:06

                                          If Gray is only getting paid for the writen article would his thread still be getting deleted if he were being paid to have it published in ME rather than EIM? as that seems the only difference to me.
                                          If that is the case then you need to delete Ramons’s ED racer thread and Stu’s Overcrank and thats just two I can think of from the current issue.
                                          I think you need to think carefully where to draw the line, making a bit of pocket money from selling a write up is one thing, using the forum for imput on developing a commercial item is another and thats where I think this has stemmed from.
                                          Also should any mention of your forthcomming books be removed from the site David?

                                          Edited By JasonB on 25/08/2011 07:40:16

                                          David Clark 13
                                            Hi There
                                            Gray’s thread is not getting deleted.
                                            I said after I had a cup of coffee.
                                            I don’t drink coffee.
                                            I just made a comment to a stupid post who was perhaps biased because we deleted his thread.
                                            I should really just have just banned the member who made it for 24 hours.
                                            regards David

                                            Edited By David Clark 1 on 25/08/2011 08:57:02

                                            David Southwell ARPS
                                              If one is unbiased would it not be true to say questions about bias apply equally to everyone?

                                              Edited By David Southwell ARPS on 25/08/2011 10:01:15

                                              David Clark 13
                                                Hi David
                                                If one is unbiased would it not be true to say questions about biase apply equally to everyone?

                                                Edited By David Southwell ARPS on 25/08/2011 09:26:21

                                                You tell me.
                                                You seem to be the expert on everything.
                                                regards David
                                                David Southwell ARPS
                                                  As your recent contribution:

                                                  [Posted by David Clark 1 on 25/08/2011 08:54:30]
                                                  appeared to indicate you felt you had an ability to make a determination about it, and as I am no expert on that subject, I felt my question was appropriate.
                                                  As I have no special knowledge on the subject it seems best to refer to reference sources:
                                                  A modern source, Wikipedia, rather long windedly says:
                                                  “A cognitive bias is the human tendency to make systematic errors in certain circumstances based on cognitive factors rather than evidence. Such biases can result from information-processing shortcuts called heuristics. They include errors in judgment,social attribution, and memory. Cognitive biases are a common outcome of human thought, and often drastically skew the reliability of anecdotal and legal evidence. It is a phenomenon studied in cognitive science and social psychology.”
                                                  My rather old copy of The Shorter Oxford Dictionary is more succinct & says:

                                                  “An inclination, leaning, bent; predisposition towards; prediliction; prejudice”

                                                  There is nothing in any of the references I have seen that contain any evidence that questions about bias do not apply equally to everyone. Not being an expert, but if I were to be cautiously minded, I would, especially in a public arena, be very reluctant to hint, much less accuse anyone of bias lest I might be seen to acting with bias myself.
                                                  Would you not agree?
                                                  If you do not I suppose you could always delete the thread. 

                                                  Edited By David Southwell ARPS on 25/08/2011 10:43:11

                                                  Edited By David Southwell ARPS on 25/08/2011 10:46:12

                                                  David Clark 13
                                                    As your recent contribution:

                                                    [Posted by David Clark 1 on 25/08/2011 08:54:30]
                                                    appeared to indicate you felt you had an ability to make a determination about it, and as I am no expert on that subject, I felt my question was appropriate.
                                                    As I have no special knowledge on the subject it seems best to refer to reference sources:
                                                    A modern source, Wikipedia, rather long windedly says:
                                                    “A cognitive bias is the human tendency to make systematic errors in certain circumstances based on cognitive factors rather than evidence. Such biases can result from information-processing shortcuts called heuristics. They include errors in judgment,social attribution, and memory. Cognitive biases are a common outcome of human thought, and often drastically skew the reliability of anecdotal and legal evidence. It is a phenomenon studied in cognitive science and social psychology.”
                                                    My rather old copy of The Shorter Oxford Dictionary is more succinct & says:

                                                    “An inclination, leaning, bent; predisposition towards; prediliction; prejudice”

                                                    There is nothing in any of the references I have seen that contain any evidence that questions about bias do not apply equally to everyone. Not being an expert, but if I were to be cautiously minded, I would, especially in a public arena, be very reluctant to hint, much less accuse anyone of bias lest I might be seen to acting with bias myself.
                                                    Would you not agree?
                                                    I think your question may be inapropriate on this forum for two reasons:
                                                    One, this is a commercial forum.
                                                    Two, we own the forum!!!

                                                    regards David
                                                    David Southwell ARPS
                                                      Returning to the original:

                                                      Posted by Versaboss on 23/08/2011 12:53:53

                                                      “And a further point: the remarks about toys and prams are really difficult to understand for us foreigners. Translation, please!”
                                                      This is when either a child, a parent or some other person gets so wound up they lose their cool and chuck away valuable resources. It is a comment that people will, at some future date, live to regret unduly hasty responses based upon an impulse of the moment.

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