Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software


Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software

Home Forums New Forum Software questions, comments and Test Threads Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software

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  • #710940

      Harry have you reported that the fix is not working?

      This is one thing myself and particularly Dave have said to admin several times that testing of fixes and confirming they work should be done over a few days before that are confirmed as a working fix and by the person who had the problem not who is doing the “fix”

      Harry Wilkes

        Jason I have reported the fix not working but other than the report conformation email not heard nothing further.


        Bill Phinn

          A quick question about something puzzling when I click on the word “profile” in the green strip.

          Naturally, it takes me to my profile, but what’s the purpose of the question “What’s new, Bill?” under the “personal” sub-heading? What does the question mean?

          Even more puzzling is that directly under this question there is a dedicated, but always empty (in part  because I’m unsure what’s expected to go there) one-line box.

          Ian P

            I was going to suggest that you look at my profile because a couple of weeks ago I put something in the ‘whats new’ box so I could see what it did, however I’ve just looked again and whatever I put in has disappeared!

            I know we now have the ‘report a bug’ button but I am getting the impression that the forum and website are pretty much how they are going to stay forever.

            Ian P


            Michael Gilligan
              On Bill Phinn Said:

              A quick question about something puzzling when I click on the word “profile” in the green strip.

              Naturally, it takes me to my profile, but what’s the purpose of the question “What’s new, Bill?” under the “personal” sub-heading? What does the question mean?

              Even more puzzling is that directly under this question there is a dedicated, but always empty (in part  because I’m unsure what’s expected to go there) one-line box.


              Please have a look here:

              I have recently deleted my test message; but that should get you started

              If you can’t get what it’s supposed to do, I can post another test tomorrow.

              Note: I think the consensus is that it’s superfluous, and quite poorly implemented!


              Michael Gilligan
                On Ian P Said:

                I was going to suggest that you look at my profile because a couple of weeks ago I put something in the ‘whats new’ box so I could see what it did, however I’ve just looked again and whatever I put in has disappeared!


                Correct me if I am wrong, Ian … but I believe I can still see it




                [ the red box is my doing, of course ]

                Ian P

                  You are right.

                  Two things conspired to make me not see it. Memory lapses and not spotting a insignificant line of text in an insignificant position.

                  Ian P

                  Bill Phinn
                    On Michael Gilligan Said:
                    On Bill Phinn Said:

                    A quick question about something puzzling when I click on the word “profile” in the green strip.

                    Naturally, it takes me to my profile, but what’s the purpose of the question “What’s new, Bill?” under the “personal” sub-heading? What does the question mean?

                    Even more puzzling is that directly under this question there is a dedicated, but always empty (in part  because I’m unsure what’s expected to go there) one-line box.


                    Please have a look here:

                    I have recently deleted my test message; but that should get you started

                    If you can’t get what it’s supposed to do, I can post another test tomorrow.

                    Note: I think the consensus is that it’s superfluous, and quite poorly implemented!


                    Thanks for that, Michael.

                    Yes, it does strike me as superfluous and unwanted. It reminded me of the way I feel when I see signs on Virgin trains or at stations telling me not to flush “hopes, dreams or goldfish” down the toilet, or to “refrain from…sumo wrestling [or] teleporting”.


                      The “what’s new” line is to ape the Facebook “what’s on your mind” question that greets you on that platform. There is is intended to drive the self-centred teens to think someone actually cares so they respond with some drivel that their friends respond to etc thus driving up the site traffic for advertising revenue.

                      Harry Wilkes
                        On Bazyle Said:

                        The “what’s new” line is to ape the Facebook “what’s on your mind” question that greets you on that platform. There is is intended to drive the self-centred teens to think someone actually cares so they respond with some drivel that their friends respond to etc thus driving up the site traffic for advertising revenue.

                        Bazyle thanks for explaining that because it was ‘urting me ed’ 🙂


                        Harry Wilkes

                          Having just left a reply to a post any ideas why the ‘script’ as inseted it’s self at the foot of my comments ?



                          <script src=”moz-extension://47cb7401-7907-4033-9172-9608686fb294/js/app.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>

                            On Harry Wilkes Said:

                            Having just left a reply to a post any ideas why the ‘script’ as inseted it’s self at the foot of my comments ?



                            <script src=”moz-extension://47cb7401-7907-4033-9172-9608686fb294/js/app.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>

                            That script is related to a firefox/chrome extension you are using. Possibly for screenshots?

                            Harry Wilkes

                              Darren I find that strange I use Brave and secondly I have made many post so why would it only just start to happen ?

                              For the record this reply is from android device and Brave


                              KEITH BEAUMONT

                                This is a question for the Mods and Rockers.

                                For me, one of the positive things that that has occured with the recent hiatus is that we can easily connect to the other Morton Forums,Model Boats and Model Flying. As my main interest is model I/C engines, I have found myself visiting the Model Flying site and I notice that they have retained the previous , practical titles for viewing posts-Views and Replies, rather than our theatrical”Voices” and “posts”. Also by using these titles we seem to have lost the figures for the amount of views for each post. A feature that I found interesting to know and I would think the people responsible for the advertising on the Forum would too. So, the question is, why are we different?


                                noel shelley

                                  I’m with you Keith ! There are many querks, it took me 5 mins just to find your reply and I still find the site hard to use. I suppose I should be greatful, the Dutch site Steam Groep Holland (SGH ) get may be 1 or 2 replies a WEEK ! Ah Well ! Noel.


                                    Model Flying uses different software so that has different names for things. Model boats is the same as here.

                                    Ian P

                                      Jason your reply infers that it’s the naming differences are software related, surely not!

                                      Ian P

                                      KEITH BEAUMONT

                                        I am surprised that more participants have not wanted to see the total views figure returned. It is always nice to know the size of your audience. What we have now just shows who has posted.

                                        As an example, there is a post running on Model Flying site of  a build of the  Sparey 5cc Diesel, using  a 100year old Drummond round bed lathe, No milling machine. At the moment it shows over a hundred people have visited his work. Surely, that is encouraging to know!


                                        Michael Gilligan

                                          Count me in, Keith

                                          It would appear to be a very simple, but very informative, metric to include.

                                          … trouble is, the forum has been going through a ‘near-death experience’ and such luxuries tend to gravitate to the bottom of the to-do-list.


                                          Nicholas Farr

                                            Hi, yes the count of total views was always handy, and it could give one a guide as to what sort of replies would be worth posting, and the interest that people have in various topics.

                                            Regards Nick.


                                              Would be nice to have the total number of posts a person has made in the forum shown as it used to in the old software.  Gives some recognition to the people that do help out with replies to questions.

                                              bernard towers

                                                Some free plans still not loading

                                                Ian P
                                                  On bernard towers Said:

                                                  Some free plans still not loading

                                                  Which infers that some plans are loading, which ones and where can one load them?

                                                  Ian P

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