16 November 2023 at 13:02 JasonB Said:
That is just how the old system worked, although there was an option to go to last page.
What you need to do when looking at the latest replies list is click the date/time above the posters name and that will take you to the last reply.
You also now have the option to click on a page number on longer topics that have more than one page, the squares with number in them will take you to the top of that page

Referencing the old system should be irrelevant, this is supposed to be a totally new website and forum.
The designers should look at how other forums deal with the subject.
It would seem common sense to me to have the ‘Latest’ button showed a list of replies, new posts or whatever else they are called). Currently we have latest activity and latest replies and I think, another ‘recent something’
A few days ago I mentioned I had received about 400 (now its over 450) email notifications from about six subscribed topics, because we have such a thing as cookies these days, the forum should only send me one email when a topic gets the first reply and not bother sending me multiple notifications. It will know when I visit the forum and read the post it advised me about, I can then see and read all following posts and the cookie monitor will not send me another email until there is another post in that thread.
If the list is sensibly laid out without double spacing and only one text line per entry would be needed fit on the screen Twenty With the benefit of cookies and email alerts.
Cookies should also take me to the first post I have not read in any thread with the user not be constrained to selecting first or last page options. The new feature of navigating by choosing page numbers is just a clunky fudge.
Ian P