Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software


Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software

Home Forums New Forum Software questions, comments and Test Threads Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software

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  • #688388

      I am obviously aware of the slowness of the new site,but I deliberately did not mention it as I knew it was  an on going problem. My habit has always been to look up the site ,at least once a day and read the latest posts to see if I can help. If so I log in. I expect many more of us do the same thing.  At this time, I find I can do just that again,with rapid page change, PROVIDING, I have not logged in. Once I have done that, things slow down again.So ,I am back to reading latest posts, without logging in, for the moment,but clearly improvements are being made and I think we should be patient,before deciding to give up.



        Very fast now, unless you log in, lol

        My overall connection has been really bad everywhere today except this place which goes like a rocket

        Latest posts on the right hand side of the page is nice

        Getting better and more user friendly fast now

          On KEITH BEAUMONT Said:

          I am obviously aware of the slowness of the new site,but I deliberately did not mention it as I knew it was  an on going problem. My habit has always been to look up the site ,at least once a day and read the latest posts to see if I can help. If so I log in. I expect many more of us do the same thing.  At this time, I find I can do just that again,with rapid page change, PROVIDING, I have not logged in. Once I have done that, things slow down again.So ,I am back to reading latest posts, without logging in, for the moment,but clearly improvements are being made and I think we should be patient,before deciding to give up.


          Well spotted, I’ve just tried this; when logged out, and accessing any of the site, I get an almost instantaneous screen refresh, even on Forums and individual posts or topics.
          There is however a delay of about 7 seconds when I try and access a post or topic via the Latest Replies list, but still pretty quick, and nothing like the repeatable 35 second delay I was documenting earlier.

          Now logging in again, I seem to get a fast response on the main site, but a 7 second delay trying to access the forum directly.

          Here’s the weird part.
          There seems to be a slightly different Latest Posts list depending on whether I’m logged in or not.

          Logged in (on Pale Moon browser) I could see Ady’s post just after yours on Page 27; forget the actual times shown on the screen, It’s a while since I took the screenshots, though they are broadly contemporaneous between different browsers
          screenshot Ady P27

          However, when logged out, I get a different Latest posts; I have just done a screen refresh and also clicked on latest posts to check

          screenshot Bernard P26

          If I click on that link for Bernard, whilst still logged out, that’s where I go

          screenshot Bernard P26 clicked

          That is the latest post I can find.

          If however I manually update the URL on my browser’s address bar, since I know P27 does exist.
          N.B. I’m still logged out there.
          I now get your post, even though it wasn’t showing on the previous Latest Replies list
          screenshot Ady P27 -2 logged out

          I have no idea what’s going on, but certainly different Latest posts when I’m logged in to logged out, though the speed id far better when logged out.



            To follow on from the above.
            Whilst logged out, I’ve just taken this screenshot from Forums (Green Bar) > Latest Replies (Blue Button)
            I took the screenshot at about 20:40: look at the time of the latest post top Right



            I’ve now logged in (obviously as I’m posting), and just taken this screenshot a minute or so later, from the same Blue Button link


            Seems to be a different current timed list when logged in.

            Edit, I’ve just logged out again, and re-visited the same Latest Replies; I’ll not bother with the screenshot, but it is still topped with David’s post  at 20:01

            I’m now back to wondering if the performance when logged out is faster, because the “Latest Replies” list isn’t being contemporaneously updated; the list displayed is at least 40 minutes older.



              Getting better, the old method of seeing current activity has returned, but it is still difficult to read. Font is too small, background too bright

              no means of seeing if you have visited the thread   But. It’s improving. Still very slow.
              can’t find search

                On Zan Said:

                Getting better, the old method of seeing current activity has returned, but it is still difficult to read. Font is too small, background too bright

                no means of seeing if you have visited the thread   But. It’s improving. Still very slow.
                can’t find search

                I can at least help you with that bit. Forums (from Green or Blue bar) Not Latest Replies.


                Alternatively, click on your own, or someone else’s’ profile; from here you can search either your post, or their post, topics started replies etc
                Hard to see the search box sometimes, as the contrast is too low.




                Michael Gilligan

                  It seems that enormous improvements have been made overnight … but here’s an oddity:

                  If I view this page in portrait format on the iPad, and scroll down … I see this:



                  [ note that I have cropped the height, but am showing the entire width ]

                  1. As indicated by my red arrow, the left edge of the list is not visible.
                  2. this poor presentation is, however, corrected if I ‘View full reply list’ using the link I have outlined in green.



                  Edit: __ for the avoidance of doubt … the display in landscape format is fine; the frame-width error is only in portrait.

                  Michael Gilligan

                    Everybody’s favourite … ‘Latest Replies’ in the right sidebar is taking the reader to the first post in a Topic NOT to the latest reply.

                    Correcting this would, I am very sure, spread great happiness !!



                      I am taken to the last post.



                        Still here, still not sorted “Delete Account.” 🙁

                        Clive Brown 1
                          On modeng2000 Said:

                          I am taken to the last post.


                          Seems somewhat random with me, not always the latest post if I’m not logged on. The speed of the forum is still woeful if i’m logged on, bur quite rapid if I’m not, which doesn’t encourage active participation.

                          John Hinkley

                            Duck!!  Here comes another flying hammer.

                            I would loke to add the following observation.  When not logged in, clicking on a latest topic seems to direct me to the latest reply, but only if there is one page of replies.  It directs me to the first reply at the top of the last PAGE of replies if there are multiple pages for that topic.  Logging in (to make this comment) caused a delayed response in loading the relevant page, BUT took me to the actual last post.  In this case “Bezzer”.



                            Michael Gilligan
                              On modeng2000 Said:

                              I am taken to the last post.


                              That’s nice for you, John

                              … I’ve just checked again and it doesn’t work like that for me

                              [ iPad in landscape mode ]


                              John Hinkley

                                Hang on while I retrieve my hammer!  I’ve just logged on again to check my comment, above, was submitted OK as it just took so long to appear.  It was, but didn’t appear on the Latest Posts page, only when I clicked on Latest Replies did it show!  I’m confused (.com).  I still seems all over the place, so I’ll live with viewing without logging on, though I  can’t help thinking that I might be missing some postings by doing so.  Time, I hope, will see it all settle down and we can get back to how it used to be.

                                I’m going to try posting on the “What did you do today” thread, now and see how that fares.


                                Edit:  that submission took about 20 seconds to be “accepted”, but it did, eventually appear.

                                KEITH BEAUMONT

                                  Michael G,  The trick to get you to the Latest of the latest post is to click on the date on the right side.


                                  PS, Can anyone tell me what a “BOT” is

                                  Michael Gilligan
                                    On KEITH BEAUMONT Said:

                                    Michael G,  The trick to get you to the Latest of the latest post is to click on the date on the right side.


                                    PS, Can anyone tell me what a “BOT” is

                                    Sorry, Keith … I was talking quite explicitly about the links in the Sidebar




                                    I know how the other list works … I have explained it to others




                                      On John Hinkley Said:

                                      Hang on while I retrieve my hammer!  I’ve just logged on again to check my comment, above, was submitted OK as it just took so long to appear.  It was, but didn’t appear on the Latest Posts page, only when I clicked on Latest Replies did it show!  I’m confused (.com).  I still seems all over the place, so I’ll live with viewing without logging on, though I  can’t help thinking that I might be missing some postings by doing so.  Time, I hope, will see it all settle down and we can get back to how it used to be.

                                      I’m going to try posting on the “What did you do today” thread, now and see how that fares.


                                      Edit:  that submission took about 20 seconds to be “accepted”, but it did, eventually appear.

                                      John, what do you mean by Latest Posts page; I only see “Latest Replies”, both white writing in a blue box.
                                      One contains a hyperlink to a list of Latest Replies at the foot of the page you were on when you pressed it.

                                      The other, more angular one, is just a narrow banner on the right hand side (or maybe in a side Bar) below which are a series of blue links to the first page of any of the “Latest Replies” topics.
                                      Maybe confusingly, both “Latest Replies” are the same colour, the square cornered oblong box is just a banner, whereas the one with rounded off corners is a pressable button.

                                      Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any consistency in that, as the “Search” button, is also blue with white writing, but has square corners.

                                      N.B. I’m still seeing the same as last night.
                                      The actual full Latest Replies list displays different versions depending on whether you are logged in or not.
                                      The logged-out version is older, and not fully updated.


                                      John Hinkley


                                        My mistake.  I’ve been seeing Latest posts for so long when visiting the site since its revival, that’s what I saw when clicking on the Forums link.  Didn’t notice that it had changed to Latest replies.

                                        I REALLY do need to go to Specsavers.


                                        Nicholas Farr

                                          Hi, I get the same slow loading when logged in, and much faster when not logged in, also when clicking on those  “Latest Replies”, if there is more than one page, it takes me to the oldest page and not the page with the latest reply, and it starts with the oldest post on every page and still not onto the latest reply, so it’s nowhere near as good as the latest post that was on the old forum, and you don’t see who has made the latest reply in the list like you did in the old one. Even submitting a reply is quite slow. Oh! even refreshing these pages is just as slow.

                                          Regards Nick.

                                          Michael Gilligan
                                            On John Hinkley Said:

                                            …  I’ve been seeing Latest posts for so long when visiting the site since its revival, that’s what I saw …


                                            You’re in good company, John … Ady [and I’m sure many others of us] did the same:

                                            See my screenshot above.


                                              On Nicholas Farr Said:

                                              Hi, I get the same slow loading when logged in, and much faster when not logged in, also when clicking on those  “Latest Replies”, if there is more than one page, it takes me to the oldest page and not the page with the latest reply, and it starts with the oldest post on every page and still not onto the latest reply, so it’s nowhere near as good as the latest post that was on the old forum, and you don’t see who has made the latest reply in the list like you did in the old one. Even submitting a reply is quite slow. Oh! even refreshing these pages is just as slow.

                                              Regards Nick.

                                              Nick, try using the Latest Replies button, with the rounded corners,


                                              Rather than the list of latest replies under the square cornered banner; not a button.


                                              The former will lead you to a current list, if you’re logged in, or an out of date one if you’re logged out


                                              Fuschia circle takes you to the start of the topic, Blue circle take you to the actual latest reply.
                                              Michael has pointed this out with better diagrams than me.

                                              N.B. Unlike previously, the Latest Replies Button just seems to direct you to the list of replies lower down the same page, as per my final screenshot; it may or may not be current.
                                              If you’ve had that page/tab open for some time. and the latest replies list is displayed below an open topic, it does not re-generate the list, but just sends you to the version of the list it generated previously.
                                              Refreshing the page generates a new current list, or coming back out to “Forums”, and pressing Latest Replies does generate a new list.

                                              This next comment only applies if you’re logged in;
                                              From what I’ve been able to work out, if the screen refreshes immediately you press the “Latest Replies” button, then it’s just re-directing you to the list it prepared previously.
                                              If there is a long time delay, it’s re-compiling to a current list.


                                              Colin Heseltine

                                                I had not spotted the Latest Replies on the sidebar, possibly because it is too far down the page.  It would be a lot better if it was above the adverts, possibly just below the latest issues advert.


                                                File Handle

                                                  Definitely getting better, but still a bit slow in places. Is this coding or the database being slow.
                                                  Used it on my Android phone today – the first time I have not given up in frustration.
                                                  Yes it is different from the old version, but it is slowly becoming more usable.

                                                  vic newey
                                                    On JasonB Said:

                                                    I quite like having a latest relies list below the end of each topic, saves having to wait for the slow back button or clicking on “more latest posts” as we had on the old forum at the top and bottom of each thread as you read through the recent activity.

                                                    But this might well be part of or even the cause of the problem with slow page loading, it has to load multiple links to all the pages and links to the posters names, links to the board they are on etc. The previous forum had the ready built software to run it, albeit a bit outdated, whereas this one is seemingly home made


                                                      If I start a new topic how does anyone see it if the the entry is by viewing “Latest Replies”?

                                                      I am sure I have got something wrong here.

                                                      Please could I view other people’s profiles. Also it would be nice to know how many postings on the forum they have made.


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                                                    Latest Replies

                                                    Viewing 25 topics - 1 through 25 (of 25 total)
                                                    Viewing 25 topics - 1 through 25 (of 25 total)

                                                    View full reply list.
