In case anyone missed what’s just happened; I spotted Jason’s last post and went to read it.
After about 1½ minutes wait time, I was presented with the Cloudflare screen; A Timeout occurred 524.
(Yesterday’s Cloudflare error was Connection timed Out 522 )
This happened several times, although the main header page of the site was responding OK, albeit slowly; I could access Features, Workshop, Classifieds etc. but not Forum, from either green or blue bars with only a few seconds delay.
As I mentioned previously;
Also, any post navigation which involves going via Latest Replies, is even more like wading through treacle than it used to be.
The time delay between “Latest Replies” button, or via “back screen” to latest replies, and the screen refresh was over 1 minute, so I guess quite close to a time-out.
Edit, submitting the above post took at least 30 seconds for the screen refresh; pressing the edit button to add this timing took about 20 seconds.