1 November 2023 at 01:09 peak4 Said:
The interesting thing was that I could get other at least one othe rbrowser to work OK with the Latest Posts button, whilst Opera was still forcibly logging me out
Don’t know Opera at all so I may be talking out of the wrong part of me, but that sounds rather like a basic Opera configuration issue.
Some thing like “log-out of sites when closing Opera – yes/no”
Or come to think of it, when you log in, does Opera provide a “Remember me” check box?
Peter, Dave ( @sillyoldduffer ), these comments link back to an earlier post of mine in discussion with Dave, containing the line “Clearing cookies probably didn’t cure it – just seemed to.”
Dave, To a certain extent, I do understand what you mean about the problem being caused by a server side issue, but I don’t think I explained what I meant with enough clarity.
When I had, what looked like, the forced log-out issue, it was continuous once it started but only occurred with one browser.
In this case it happened to be Opera, but I’m not sure if that’s relevant directly.
I had Opera open on one monitor, and a different browser open on the other, on the same PC, at the same time; I can’t remember which, but for sake of this discussion, Pale Moon.
Opera appeared to force log me out whenever I hit Latest posts; it didn’t just say that I needed to be logged in to use the facility. I could log in again and still be forced out. The log-in/out link on the green bar showed me as logged out, I couldn’t use the blue button, see my own profile, or post a reply; F5 didn’t change anything.
Either the forum, or Opera certainly saw me as logged out.
Simultaneously, on the other monitor, I had full functionality on a different browser; I could log in, or out and the button worked OK.
Reverting back to Opera, without opening or closing the browser, still exhibited the same fault, but I could swap back to the Pale Moon window and all was peaceful and light. 🙂
Opera, and my other browsers, are set to retain cookies etc when closing, and I normally have the equivalent of a “Remember Me” box ticked.
Other users have reported this Blue Button/Logout issue over a prolonged period, e.g. Keith and Tony, dissuading them from using the forum for obvious reasons.
Others find the problem goes away, and it seems unpredictable.
I’ve not managed to replicate the problem over a number of days, but when present, it was fully repeatable.
If the members who still have the problem use only one browser, and it’s set to retain cookies etc when closing down, then maybe the problem carries on for them between sessions.
Other folk who have their browser(s) set to clear cookies on shutdown, find the issue self curing.
I wonder if when the forum briefly throws a wobbler, it sends a cookie, or something else, to the browser which causes the repeatable forced log-off.
Server then immediately settles down, which is why I could use a different browser straight away, but the glitch remained in the infected browser (Opera in my case), and was repeatable, even though Pale Moon was still working.
Closing/re-opening Opera would make no difference, as it’s set to remember the last session and retain all the site details.
Re-booting the PC made no difference, again Opera was set to retain cookies, logins etc.
Clearing cache and cookies from Opera for this site only, cured the problem.
The issue didn’t occur with a different browser at the same time on the same PC.
The issue also didn’t occur on my phone, whilst it was still exhibiting in Opera on the PC.