Definitely not a fan of this new format, it appears to me to be very user unfriendly and I can’t seem to find things, my profile seems to have disappeared and I am not qualified to edit it, also according to the site I am no longer a subscriber, I will persevere but don’t know for how long, to me the site is a right lemon, I would definitely vote to return to the old site. Dave W
I can’t comment on your subscription, other than either of the Subscribe links on the blue bar should take you to a subscription page, which in turn provides buttons to take you to the Classic Magazines log-in page. since that is separate to this forum.
Your profile hasn’t disappeared, but there is a known and reported issue, where neither you, nor anyone else can currently see it when clicking on “Profile”
Unfortunately the word Profile appears on more than one link/tab, which can be confusing.
To edit your profile, ready for when it becomes visible again try this; you will almost certainly need to edit it, as some of the punctation marks are likely to have changed when it was carried over from the old forum.
(I’ll no go into why)
Profile (white writing on green bar) > “Settings” tab, (not profile tab again, with blue writing on white tab) > “Profile Viisibility” > scroll down to About Yourself Biographical Info.
Check and edit your profile information, and don’t forget to save.
On this page, you can also change your display name, currently “samsaranda” , but not your user/account name “at symbol” samsaranda; that bit is visible, but greyed out.
Like you, my old displayed name and user/account name were the same on the old forum.