23 October 2023 at 14:14 JasonB Said:
Font and Background improved
Cheers, certainly an improvement as I mentioned elsewhere, particularly with quotes such as yours above, which are now smaller/less dominant than they were previously, as well as being italicised. (In the preview/edit window, those changes don’t show until the post is submitted)
On a purely personal note, I’d prefer a lightly higher contrast between adjacent posts, and a line of space between them, to make it clear whether the post details banner/line is above or below the relevant post.
Some of these comments from me, and others, about contrast may not be relevant to everyone, particularly those with younger eyesight; it might not be obvious to the site developers, who may have better eyesight.
As someone who’s recently had cataract surgery in one eye, but not the other, and awaiting a new glasses prescription, the lack of contrast and brightness is an issue.
(The operation is the reason I’m spending so much time here, as opposed to the workshop, is that I’m not safe near moving machinery until my new specs arrive)
I get the feeling that many of our most experienced contributors, though clearly not all, are also of my age or quite a lot older. It would be a shame if they limited their forum visits due to difficulties viewing the screen.
They and the rest of the community will lose out.