Next point
I’m still trying to search for the post on Autolock; aware that it’s now hard to find on the forum, I thought I’d try on, so see if I could at least find it manually. It didn’t find it, as that particular address hasn’t been archived, but many other posts are on their server.
5) In my previous reply, Gray’s quoted post is more prominent then my reply; on most forums, it’s less prominent, or at least in the same size of text.
As an aside, I’ve just moved some text around within this reply, with Control X & V; the internal formatting such as emboldening the 5) was lost.
6) Related to “Lego” searching in my previous post.
I’ve now entered “Autolock” into the box adjacent to the blue search icon/radio button at the head of the Forums page (next to the Latest Activity button).
Unlike from the Lego search box, there’s now loads of hits for Autolock, both from the old forum entries, and also my previous post on the new forum.
This search does seem to work OK.
6a) With a general search on a common word, such as Autolock, there are a huge number of hits, but the resulting output shows all of the content of each post, which makes for a lot of work isolating the required one (or more).
Many forums have an Advanced Search option, where the user can select to search all text, just thread titles, user names, etc,
6b) Sometimes Advanced Search is only available to registered users, which gives a good incentive to join.
7) Have I missed it, or is there no option to add a user signature, which auto inserts at the end of each post?
8) More for information to others, than an issue itself.
Log on to your own profile, I know you still can’t view it, but I think that’s reported elsewhere
Activity Tab; seems to show activity on the new forum
Profile Tab; no current access, though you can modify it under Settings Tab.
Forums Tab, several options including a useful search box. Topics Started and Replies Created seem to be the way to find your old posts.
e.g. I found that I’ve not started a topic on Autolock, but entering “Collet” in the search box, takes me to a post linking to my old album of 20 or so photos, intended to help others identify what chucks they have.
Unless albums are later transferred, it looks like this will always point to a dead end, which is a shame as several other posts refer to it.
Entering “Autolock” into Replies Created, gives me a list of all my mentions of the word, on both old an new forums, which is good.
8b) I wonder if Google will fully re-index the new forum, such that the links which end up with a Lego box, will eventually drop down the rankings and be replaced with valid ones?
9) Out of curiosity, , and just using this one post as an example, as it’s nice and simple, with no replies.
Milling Machine Collet Chucks (Album)
I copied the image URL and used it as a Google Image Search; No Image at That URL etc.
The same is true if I copy the image, and try “Find Image Source“.
The link is actually valid and brings up a photo if pasted into a browser address bar.
As it stands at the moment, when I read this post, still under reply mode, the URL I posted above this line shows as a photo icon, even though I right clicked and insert as plain text.
10) As above, even trying to post the URL as plain text to illustrate a point, the forum still seems to convert it to an unwanted hyperlink and show it as a photo.
I’ve had to open Windows Notepad and modify jpg to ******