Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software


Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software

Home Forums New Forum Software questions, comments and Test Threads Comments (constructive) on the New Forum Software

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      Post your comments, report bug, etc on the new forum format here.

      Dave (Sillyoldduffer), Colin from Model Boats and Myself have spent a lot of time testing the forum and found many issues, some small bugs and some big ones. At the time of writing (10.30am on the 12th) there is still a lot we would like to see fixed or changed. Some of it may happen before going live some of it may not but we have done our best to get the forum to a usable state and hope you won’t be as disappointed as we are. Hopefully some things will improve over the next week or so as the bugs are ironed out but unfortunately some things will take a lot longer.



        I’ve bumped this to the top as Iexpect this thread to get rather busy

        John Hinkley

          Had a bit of trouble trying to get onto the site this pm.  I kept getting a 504 error from the site.  I put it down to the number of people attempting to access the site.  That seems to have been solved and signed in OK. First impressions are favourable based on my limited experience with it.  Well done everyone involved in the transfer, it can’t have been easy and obviously threw up some unexpected problems leading to the extended timescale.



            Evening John

            You and one other member have been able to sneak in as it does not look like the site will officially go live until tomorrow morning

            feel free to have a look around and try a fe wof the test threads out.


            PS sorry no prize for being the first member to post on the forum but good for the Mods to see you got in OK.

            Thor 🇳🇴

              Well, the forum is finally up again, thanks to Jason and Dave for the time spent testing the new forum. I like the new look but it seems to be slower than the old one. Teething problems?


              Grindstone Cowboy

                Thanks folks! Things I have noticed so far:

                1) Passwords are now case-sensitive (they were not before)

                2) Initial login was rather slow, circa 45 seconds

                3) Opening this thread was, on first attempt, impossible (gave up after five minutes), but two more tries and it came down to 15 seconds

                I’m sure it will settle given time.


                Edit – less than 10 seconds to post

                noel shelley

                  Yesterday it told me my browser was out of date ! I spent half last night trying to update it and failed as I know little about how to use this thing and it’s 14 years old. Now 14:00 on the 19th it lets me in with no trouble, I didn’t even have to enter any details ! Yes it seems VERY slow, no doubt I will get used to it, but it’s back ! Thank you to all who have worked to get it back and running. Noel.


                    Glad to see the forum up again. Looks to have been a bigger job than at first thought.  It was a real slow process logging in. Only 17 minutes from opening the icon on my desktop to getting here.  Also had to navigate that terrible Capcha thingy.   I hope that improves very quickly.   Not sure I like the “participant” title under username. Would be better as “forum member” or similar.


                    Dave Halford

                      Old log in remembered by the site, no noticeable slowness except for a fractional pause changing screens.

                      Submit however is much slower.

                      + I am not a number, I’m a free man ;O)

                      + who stole the smileys and more importantly when will the latest post list be working?


                        Managed to log in OK trying to edit ‘Profile’ all I get is a white page with my user name in large letters at the top. Wanted to put my avatar logo back but…


                        OK cancel that the avatar seems to already be there?


                        Tony Jeffree

                          I don’t seem to be able to modify my profile – for example to add a photo – I can see that others have achieved this, so there must be a way? I get taken to a page headed “Tony Jeffree” but which doesn’t allow me to do anything useful.


                            Not goiungh to be a good experience if all posts with pictures have to wait for moderation.


                            Ches Green UK

                              Site looks good. Maybe a bit too much White Space but I guess that helps mobile users?

                              I had logged in OK about 5 mins ago. Read the Red Box ‘Forum Help/Faq’ and then hit the mouse Back button to return to the Forum but got the ‘Checking Secure Connection’ message…which hung.

                              Probably just a teething issue.

                              Anyway, well done on the progress.



                                Juist browsing through the forum and tried to look at my profile, there is nothing there but “oldiron”. Nothing else and no way to edit it.

                                Then got this>>  ??Screenshot 2023-10-19 15.08.40


                                  Screenshot 2023-10-19 15.15.12



                                    Yes there has been a recent problem that is slowing things down, Admin are working on it.

                                    I’ll have a look at the profile thing it was one area that has not been giving too many problems except e-mail notifications


                                      Good luck with the fault finding and updates. Think I will check back in a few days.

                                      Thanks all



                                        Profile edits showing OK for me as a MOD, will take a look with my basic members account.

                                        What you should be able to do is click profile on the green bar, then the secnd option that comes up “profile” and then “Edit”

                                        As there are no albums you won’t see “photos” below your avatar. Also “posts” won’t show how many. If you wnat to see someones posts, click their avatar and then activity or gallery for images.

                                        Jason Ballamy

                                          Editing of profile OK for me as a normal member too


                                            The ‘Under Maintenance’ logo still appears in the browser tab


                                            Although perhaps it should stay for the time being!



                                              Profile now available to edit, perhaps I am to impatient.


                                              john halfpenny

                                                I’m here, finally. Is there a ‘new posts’ button?  It looks like we have to view each sub-heading.


                                                  There is (was) a “Newest Topics” down the right side but it has just gone AOWL and I have let admin know. Not quite as good a sthe old one and you can’t click anything to get a longer list but it is being worked on. It is something the Mods have been asking for a lot.

                                                  vic newey

                                                    Forum is running slow for me although all my other various forums are at normal speed, took ages to sign in but now it’s going a bit faster.

                                                    One question,  we used to have a “latest posts” section so you could see straight away stuff that might be of interest, is it there somewhere and I missed it? or perhaps can be implemented sooner or later?


                                                    EDIT: I see the same question was asked while I did my one finger typing




                                                      Admin and developer sare still sorting some problems so you may find things time out or are not available from time to time.

                                                      It was felt better to get something up and running that stay offline even longer.

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