The manual which I have states that the Colchester student has a 3MT taper spindle. You need a collet which is threaded on the end for a drawbar. 3MT collets are readily available, but finding the drawbar could be the problem. You could make your own if you cannot find one.
My Student 6" is MT5 in the headstock and MT3 in the tail stock. I purchased an MT5 open adapter sleeve from RDG, Cronos or whoever? and an MT2 collet holder off eBay. Afraid you will need to keep looking.
Edit My Student is an old round head but I think they are all the same.
Mine has a MT5, for which you get a short adaptor to bring it down to MT3.
(heres one with a centre in it)
The "Official" collet chuck goes on the L0 SpindleNoze and is massive. It's from Burnerd and has "multi bore" collets. looks like this below. Mine has the Key but there are lever versions as well.
The collets cover a big range but aren't quite as accurate as 5c or ERxx. The big advantage is that you can put long bars through the headstock… The disadvantage is the length it uses up.
They appear often on ebay, price varies a lot.
I would probably just by an MT3 ER40 and use a piece of threaded rod as a drawbar.
Hi clogs,
I do not know exactly what you mean by a "collet holder" Arc Euro sell MT3 collets on this page and an MT5 to MT3 sleeve here. I think a better solution would be one of the ER lathe collet chucks (as each collet covers about a 1mm range of sizes.) and make a backplate to mount it on the spindle in the same way as a normal chuck or faceplate is fixed. Other suppliers probable also supply these items. I have bought these type of items from Arc Euro so I knew where to look in their online catalog.
Gloster tooling have a ER40 collet chuck that with a suitable back plate fit in the way the normal chuck does, I have one on my Boxford and it allows longer lengths of material as they can pass through the spindle.
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