Colin Usher’s Index is back up to date


Colin Usher’s Index is back up to date

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    Neil Wyatt
      Neil Wyatt

        I've been in touch with Colin Usher. He stopped updating the MEW index after issue 190, but is still hosting it on his website. Colin's main interests have moved away from model engineering to model aircraft.

        He's agreed that I can take on updating the index and host it on my own website:…model-engineers-workshop-index

        This version now covers all issues from 1 to 222. I have tried to improve the accuracy and detail for author's names, buit please let me know if you find any errors.

        I will supply Colin with periodic updates so he can maintain continuity on his site as well.

        I have made some amendments to the spreadsheet so that it can be automatically imported into Dias Costa's utility without editing (at least it works for me!)

        Don't forget there are other indexes including CAHW and Harold Hall's – each one is different and has its own strengths depending on what you want to find and what you know about it.

        Please take a look, and if you find it useful let me know!


        P.S. The index isn't an official MyTimeMedia product, like the other's it's a 'voluntary' exercise so any errors are nothing to do with them

        Paul Lousick

          Hi Neil,

          Instead of having to download the index, why not have something like this as part om MEW ?


          Danny M2Z


            Is MS Excel the best format for an index ?

            What's wrong with a traditional database such as 'MS Access' ?

            * Danny M *

            Michael Gilligan
              Posted by Danny M2Z on 18/10/2014 05:05:40:

              What's wrong with a traditional database such as 'MS Access' ?


              … Microsoft "feature bloat".

              I haven't used Access for years, because the database functionality is buried under so many decorative 'Bells & Whistles'.



                Hello All,

                Neil: Thank you for making the file available. It also worked for me, directly.

                All: I've just made available the MEW_Indexes with the new file made available by Neil covering to the 222 issue. You cand download it from ***LINK***.
                If you want download the ME_Indexes or EiM_Indexes you can do it ***HERE***.

                Michael Gilligan: My application doesn't have the 'Bells & Whistles" you don't like in Access and goes directly to the "subject".

                Best regards
                Dias Costa

                Michael Gilligan
                  Posted by dcosta on 18/10/2014 10:34:26:

                  Michael Gilligan: My application doesn't have the 'Bells & Whistles" you don't like in Access and goes directly to the "subject".


                  Thanks, Dias … That's good to know. yes




                    Any chance of making the database data downloads csv or text format?

                    I can make you a useful database via a 70% smaller download that EVERYONE can use

                    (xls db etc is useless/too complicated for many people)


                    Edited By Ady1 on 18/10/2014 11:58:28

                    Neil Wyatt


                      It's not a commercial product and MTM don't have the rights to it. Colin hhas allowed me to add to it, but reserved his rights to the first part of the database. We publish an index (based on CAHW) every year, it is good for those who want 'traditional indexing' based on knowing what you are searching for, while this one is better for vague searching. Harold's is good for those who want to browse topics.


                      Colin Usher chose excel because it's easy for someone with little computer expertise to interrogate it, plus not everyone has Access even if they have Office.

                      I'm aware I could turn it into a relational database in Access, but it would then 'shut out' a large proportion of users. Also, Dias' utility provides 'smart interrogation' for those who want database functionality without them needing to have a database program.



                        Hello Ady, good afternoon.

                        Ady: Any chance of making the database data downloads csv or text format?

                        DC: You can download the Excel format file from the ***URL*** provided by Neil, open it with Excel (I prefer to use LibreOffice Calc) and finally export the data as CSV file.

                        Best regards
                        Dias Costa


                        Edited By dcosta on 18/10/2014 15:08:47

                        Roger Provins 2

                          Thank very much for the updated index.

                          It works fine in Ubuntu's Libre OfficeWriter.


                          John Weight

                            Hi Neil,

                            Thanks for updating the M.E.W. Index it will be very useful. I have downloaded same to my PC but don't know how to add it to Dias Costas Index which I already have on my computer i should be pleased if you or anyone else out there could point me in the right direction, Many hanks.



                              Hello John, good evening!

                              You don't need to add or load the Neil's file to the application if you have downloaded it after today 02:00AM.
                              However if you haven't downloaded it after that moment and want to load the file instead of downloading the complete MEW_Indexes application, you can download the file from the Meil's site and follow the instructions in the MEW_Indexes_help.htm file.

                              Hope I was clear and of some help
                              Dias Costa

                              Neil Wyatt

                                Just for clarity, I will be updating the index as each issue comes out, no doubt it will 'trickle down' through to other sources over time.



                                  Okeydokey, the MSI file was useless but libreoffice 3.4.6 exe file from 2011 worked

                                  I've turned it into a PDF which anyone can search offline


                                  I'll leave it up for 24 hours then delete it

                                  Model engineer can host these things quite easily


                                  1.My hosting site can be rubbish at times

                                  2. Use the pdf search function and it lists your search hits

                                  Edited By Ady1 on 19/10/2014 13:30:01


                                    Just right click the link and click "save link as"


                                    Edited By Ady1 on 19/10/2014 13:40:28

                                    Neil Wyatt

                                      I've created a PDF version which preserves the original copyright information, downloadable here:

                                      MEW Index On Line


                                      John Weight

                                        Hi Dias,

                                        Many thanks for your help, it has worked O.K. now to try and update the other two M.E & E.I.M.

                                        Also many thanks for the other replies all have been of much interest.

                                        Regards to all,



                                        Neil Wyatt

                                          Hi John,

                                          If you want to manually update, choose 'call MEW index' then in th new window choose 'file' and 'import from Excel file', then navigate to a copy of the index file.



                                            Hello John,
                                            Hello Neil and all,

                                            To John: You are welcomed.

                                            To Neil: Thank you for calling the attention to the import feature of MEW_INdexes.

                                            To all: The MEW_Indexes has a feature that may be of interest to some which is: In each record/article you can add your own notes so augmenting the utility of the application. If you use these feature please follow the way suggested by Neil in his previous message to update the database.
                                            Also would like to draw your attention to another feature which may be of interest to you: in the "Query the MEW Index" option, you can make queries using multiple combined criteria (with AND or OR operator) which you can not do in a PDF file. Meaning that, by example, you can search for certain article from a given author in a specific year and having some keyword.

                                            Best regards
                                            Dias Costa

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