Hi all.
I signed up to this great forum a while ago but my first posts have been tonight.
I have a Colchester Student Mk2 lathe that will need a full tear down and rebuild along with sourcing several parts that are missing.
I know it would be cheaper to buy one in better condition but the journey of restoring it is half the fun for me.
Question 1:
From everything I have read the serial number should be stamped on the tail stock end of the bed where I have circled red in the photo, however even after scraping the paint there is no number here. I am guessing I am looking in the wrong place. Could somebody tell me where I should be looking please?
Question 2:
in the attached image you will see the cover is missing from the left hand side. What is this cover called please and can you please recommend some different places I might be able to source one.

Question 3:
Looking online I have found several places I can get the manual and have it posted. I really don’t mind paying for one but would prefer it digital. Can somebody advise me of where I might be able to get a digital copy of a Colchester Student Mk2 lathe manual/parts catalogue and any other literature besides what is available online at lathes.co.uk
I plan on doing a full documented rebuild of this lathe along with videos of how I do things and any help will be accredited as deserved. I am not doing this as a business it is for a lathe for me to keep.
Thank you for any help given,