Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct

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  • #51960
    Jim Cozens
      I’ve read the ‘Code of Conduct’ on the home page of this site with absolute astonishment! If you have a problem with ‘contributors’ to this website doing any of these things then deal with THEM! Do not presume to lecture me about about it. You would do well to look at some of your competitors websites both here and abroad to see how they treat their members. You have a decent magazine but it’s not the only one in the English speaking world. You would do well to remember that! You rely on subscribers and contributors.

      Edited By Metal_shaper on 22/05/2010 07:56:39

      Jim Cozens
          Don’t see the problem with posting the CofC. Just about every other forum I visit has something similar. Granted its sometimes tucked away somewhere as a sticky etc but its there together with the usual legal disclaimers.
          There is obviously some reason the powers that be have felt it necassary to bring it to the attention of members and if it keeps the forum on the right tracks whats wrong with that.


            I don’t think it is that bad, but maybe it is a sign of the times that these things need to be stated.

            There is I agree a lot to be done to improve ‘customer relationships’ on this site, and the management should be aware of that.

            I have enjoyed this site up to now, and hope that the management is not going to become too draconian  and try to control their readership for the sake of the magic dollar!

            the digital thread being an example of this.



            Leeds UK

            John Shepherd
              Perhaps you missed the point that states that the code of coduct items are as suggested by forum users?
              That said, I think they could be presented better but I for one am not going to get upset about it.
              Jim Cozens
                I don’t think I missed the point at all. A ‘Code of Conduct’ as the first item on the home page? A link to it on the home page is fine. As it is, it tars us all with the same brush. If this is a real problem that warrants this statement being given such prominence either moderate the posts properly or deal with the offenders privately. There are many forums out there in cyberspace that deal with these kinds of problems in the background.
                  “Do not presume to lecture me about about it”  “it tars us all with the same brush”
                  As you were not a contributing member of the forum before the Cof C was posted this hardly applied to you.
                  To join a forum which has things you disapprove of and make your innitial statement would be regarded as trolling on most forums! Maybe when you have made some more useful contributions you could then voice your oppinion as a Forum Member.
                  John Stevenson 1
                    I had to go and look as I have the forum page bookmarked.
                    Personally I couldn’t see anything wrong with it other than it’s in your face on the home page.
                    I’d put this down more to bad website design than anything. Clicking the various choices along the top, Workshop, Events,etc get you to the respective page but Home doesn’t look like a home page.
                    It isn’t obvious that Model Making related to Model Engineer.
                    just realise that i have this site buttoned down heavily using Adblock Plus and No Flash because of all the obtrusive flashing adverts and banners, temporally disabling them does make it took more like a home page at the top but it’s very irritating
                    Why do web site throwertogethererrs, because they can’t be called designers if they don’t take the end user into account, insist on flashing images that most times are too short to even read before they are gone.
                    Are they that out of touch with the world ??
                    Their job is to design a web site that is usable to the customer, if the customer then has to load up reams of ad blocking software just to make the page readable then he’s failed – miserably. Simple fact of life they can’t understand.
                    John S.

                    Edited By John Stevenson on 22/05/2010 09:24:03

                    Steve Garnett
                      Posted by John Stevenson on 22/05/2010 09:21:18:

                      Personally I couldn’t see anything wrong with it other than it’s in your face on the home page.
                      Speaking as a forum administrator with ten years’ experience of doing this, I agree – it shouldn’t be in your face like that at all – very unwelcoming. It’s a very short list though – if you look at a typical one from anybody who’s being doing this for a while you will see that there’s a good deal more that hasn’t been covered in the slightest. The most sensible thing to do (which doesn’t ever cause comments or groans) is to have a separate clickable link to the rules for those who feel that they need to read them. The normal procedure here is to make it a condition of forum membership that users will abide by them, and leave it at that – anything else is heavy-handed.
                      If a rather more comprehensive, known to work over a long period, list (covering things like copyright, etc) is required I can provide one.
                      Geoff Theasby
                        I am a moderator of three discussion lists, and I have had to use my powers several times.
                        I think it is a good idea to make sure all readers of the forum know the rules and have read them.   To tuck them away in a corner is to ensure that most people don’t read them.
                        Unfortunately, there are people who are disruptive.   These people need to be discouraged at the outset.

                          Metal Shaper, what is wrong with you might be the question? If you can be upset by the obvious basic requirements, you know thw answer.

                            I agree with Geoff. As a retired newspaper and magazine editor I know from experience that few people outside the profession understand the laws of libel and defamation. I can also tell you that a very large percentage of libel cases against the written media stem from readers’ letters. Any publishing company has to be very careful about what appears in print – and that includes material on websites.
                              I think it’s very refined
                                  “Please refrain from:”
                                Not the exact words I would have used (Although meaning the same thing).
                                Regards  Ian.
                                Forums need codes of conduct, also methods to curtail abuse,  the code on here seems very straightforward.
                                People using forums should be very careful not to leave themselves vunerable to legal action.
                                  Thanks, V8Eng – and remember it’s not just the people using forums who are vulnerable. The editor would also face legal action.
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