As usual the forum has moved on from Zebethyal’s original question “Does anyone have a method for calculating co-ordinate positioning for a ring of holes that are not all equally spaced.”
There are several ways of doing the job ranging from wet-towel round head and a good understanding of the maths to programming it on a computer. DC31K supplied the basic maths and suggested a spreadsheet, and Zebethyal got what he needed from that.
Other suggestions are good, but may not answer. For example Martin suggested “No hole calculation needed, just a CAD program to draw up the paper image.”. That’s do-able for a 127 hole ring, but not Zebethyal’s “ring of holes that are not all equally spaced.” Simple methods don’t serve when the holes aren’t equally spaced unless eyeballing the gap is ‘good enough’. And if an approximation isn’t ‘good enough’, then we’re forced back to geometry and understanding coordinate systems.
In general, the best answer in engineering is the simplest one that does the job. Say 7 holes are to be drilled on a PCD. Not difficult with paper, pencil, a protractor, graph-paper and a simple sum, except it’s labour intensive and people like me make mistakes. Simpler to use a tool like DRO’s PCD function, or to draw the item in CAD. CAD can tackle more complex problems than a DRO. And if CNC is available, then CAD beats a human guided DRO. Writing a computer program for PCDs is over the top. However, the fun starts when the holes on a PCD aren’t equally spaced. Not uncommon – one of my old bangers had a cover designed to stop clowns replacing it in the wrong orientation, like the two blue holes in this otherwise equally spaced ring of 8.
I gave a programmatic solution to holes. Setting up is harder than the other methods, but once is established, a programmed framework simplifies the harder problems that other tools struggle with, many of them becoming trivial. This example puts holes on an Archimedean spiral. The spiral is just an example of a curve represented by a formula, and all curves can be represented by a formula. Petals, cardioids, ellipses, and many more. Opens the door on cams etc.
Next example is more useful than plotting holes along parametric curves I’m sure! My program makes index wheels for an HV6 rotary table a doddle, 11 lines of code:
The program…
A thought! In the good old days, engine turning on an Ornamental Lathe, often a Holtzapffel was a popular hobby amongst the super-rich. Cross between a lathe and a spirograph, and full-featured machines were extremely expensive, because all the ratios were developed by gears and indexed wheels.
As far as I know, no-one makes a modern equivalent. I wonder if the techniques discussed above, normally applied by us to PCD drilling, dividing on a rotary table, ELS, and CNC could be used to convert a mini-lathe into a Rose Engine?