Cloudflare problem


Cloudflare problem

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  • #676760

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Apologies if this has been covered before but my iPad can not get past Cloudflare checking if the site connection is secure. I am connected now via my Android phone on our WiFi network so I suspect the problem is at the iPad end. It is an older iPad running 12.5.7 which is the best it can do. I can’t be the only one with this issue? Is there a fix?</p>


      Ketan Swali
        On IanH said

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Apologies if this has been covered before but my iPad can not get past Cloudflare checking if the site connection is secure. I am connected now via my Android phone on our WiFi network so I suspect the problem is at the iPad end. It is an older iPad running 12.5.7 which is the best it can do. I can’t be the only one with this issue? Is there a fix?</p>


        Its not you or your ipad. It is more than likely to be Cloudflare.

        As far as I am concerned, there are variable issues speed/login/change page error/delay, many of which I have experienced before with Cloudflare.

        Until and unless the site developers see and realise this, they will keep going round and around in circles, thinking its their own fault, or the forum visitor who has an issue with their ip/service provider etc.

        Cloudflare is robust and expensive, but if they are asked to provide an explanation, the responses will be less then helpful, and they will request more money for a plan upgrade. If and when Cloudflare is removed, hopefully a lot of the reported issues will start resolving themselves.

        Ketan at ARC.


          Apart from Cloudfair checking my security I get in on my iPad.


          Neil Wyatt

            Cloudflare is being used to limit access by bots which have been overwhelming the site causing it to crash (the main reason  the return of the site was delayed). The connection checks will be turned off once the site is stable.



            Ketan Swali

              Yes Neil,

              Overwhelming of site was caused by using WordPress to create new site, as discussed by me here:


              and replied by Jason here:


              Ketan at ARC.

              (worked out how to link Jason 🙂 )


                <p style=”text-align: right;”>So….. It sounds like a case of wait and see?</p>
                I can connect with my PC and Android phoneboth sitting on my home wireless network but still not my iPad.

                Posting is a bit flakey…. Bold and right justify for example seem to have a mind of their own…. Fingers crossed it all settles down soon🤞



                  Suddenly it is working fine on the iPad – it looks like CloudFlare has gone!

                  Thanks folks.


                  Michael Gilligan
                    On IanH Said:

                    Suddenly it is working fine on the iPad – it looks like CloudFlare has gone!

                    Thanks folks.


                    Wonderful !!

                    Now I can actually see the HTML in Snippet Editor

                    [available on the AppStore]



                    Previously CloudFlare was blocking my access



                      Interesting screen shot Michael, I see you also get the Warco pop up on ipad and it hides the cookie option so you could be forced to carry on and thereby allow cookies


                      One for ADMIN to deal with

                      Michael Gilligan
                        On JasonB Said:

                        Interesting screen shot Michael, I see you also get the Warco pop up on ipad and it hides the cookie option so you could be forced to carry on and thereby allow cookies


                        One for ADMIN to deal with

                        So far as I recall, today is the first time that pop-up has appeared when in landscape mode

                        Yes, it needs a dose of looking-at



                        Edit: __ since I ‘dismissed’ it … the pop-up has not [yet] reappeared.

                        Michael Gilligan



                          Direct link, in case anyone wants it

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