Posted by Nigel Graham 2 on 07/07/2022 08:49:36:
Doesn't happen in my club, RMA and Andrew!
We might put the world to rights occasionally but we don't have a "cage-fight" over it.
Nevertheless, I find it sad that someone refuses to join any club dedicated to his hobby, because he thinks it might do that, or might have known it happen elsewhere.
I wasn't suggesting a 'cage fight' about anything, just normal conversation which naturally diverts, and not only in a club situation. As I said before, you don't have to join in, but if politics etc is banned, please make it known to all. I'm sure the original poster wouldn't have posted in that case.
I think the forum is great for the hobby, but like all forums, has its collection of 'experts' on any subject. In my opinion, the 'Tea room' discussion area should not censor anything We all have personal preferences and we should respect that.
Maybe Admin could say who closed the thread and why?