Clockwork steam roller search.


Clockwork steam roller search.

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    Maurice Cox 1
      Maurice Cox 1

        This is a request for help in finding something; probably in vain considering the time involved, but here goes.

        When I was about seven years old, a cousin of mine in Banstead, Surrey, had a toy clockwork steam roller. It was a one off made for him by a Mr. Winsford (I think that's the name). I loved it. I went to see him when I was eight, and Mr. Winsford had bought it back from him for a fiver! I was so sad. So; if anyone knows of a handmade toy clockwork steamroller that could have come from the Surrey area ( there can't be many!) I would very much appreciate a couple of pictures of it to bring back memories from sixty-eight years ago.

        An Other

          Can't help with Surrey, I"m afraid, but did find this – scroll down quite a long way!


          bill ellis

            Can't help either I'm afraid but I did have one when I was little (1962 ish). Heavy gauge tinplate steam roller, you wound it up and it would go forward for about 4 feet then stop and reverse back to its starting point. Made lots of whirring and graunching noises as it changed direction and would run for 2 or 3 minutes before needing a rewind. If I recall there was a stop start lever poking out of the cab roof so you could stop it or start it, and you could turn the roller on the front to make it go in circles. Probably about 10 inches long, think it may have been made by Triang but could be wrong.


              It sounds like the sort of thing there would have been plans for in the Boy's Own Paper in its early decades, 1879 onwards. Their constructional projects covered an astonishing range.

              I'm slowly reading my way through the first forty volumes (don't ask!) but haven't encountered such a thing yet. I'll post if I do, but don't hold your breath while you're waiting!

              George B

              Howard Lewis

                Triang used to mass produce clockwork toy steam rollers under the Minic brand.


                vic francis

                  Hi Maurice, try searching the me archive issues; yielded this ;

                  Mr R Winsford, 1960 vol123 3089 page 360 power at penshurst! Which is near surrey!

                  You could also search for toy roller… then locate the issue…

                  ps I have a triang roller as mentioned above but think its plastic and clockwork in construction not metal! Your one was most likely hand made.

                  regards vic

                  Grizzly bear
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