Clockmakers Depthing Tool


Clockmakers Depthing Tool

Home Forums Clocks and Scientific Instruments Clockmakers Depthing Tool

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  • #3576
    David Carne
      David Carne
        I have a set of castings from Reeves I want to machine.   
        Can anybody who has machined a set of these castings tell me the Model Engineer editions that covered the making of the depthing tool?
        I have a copy of Model Engineer 19 October 1973 but my article is incomplete on page 1016.
        I also have the Post Bag article of 17 January 1986 which mentions the dangers of boring the holes for the runners on the early castings (my castings are from 1980), can anybody comment on how they machined these holes?
        D V Carne
          You will also need page 1017 David; I can copy both these pages to your email address if you so wish.  The last paragraph of the article states that the author would be happy to oblige with castings via the Editor if required, but can find no editorial reference.
          Regards – Chris
          David Clark 13
            Hi There
            Who is the author?
            regards David


              David Clark 13
                Hi There
                regards David
                Ian S C

                  MEW no 8 Dec 91 jan 92 has an artical A Clock Depthing Tool.Its a complete artical.Ian S C

                  john jennings 1
                    Wow is it that long ago that I wrote A Clock Depthing Tool  91/92!
                    It won’t help David Carne  as it is of fabricated construction.  (I couldn’t figure out how to drill/ream the parallel holes needed on a solid construction. )
                    It was made using a Unimat 3 and milling head and isl argely of aluminum alloy.
                    The use of alloy keeps the weight down considerably.
                    regards John
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