Curiously enough I’ve been asked to look at a chiming mantel clock for a friend.
It’s not in the same league as the one you are looking at, but it is good quality apparently.
I took it to a local repairer to ask if it was worth doing. He said probably not unless it had deep sentimental meaning. To service it and get it running he quoted £350 not including any parts that may need replacing! Wow.
I know the chiming drive wheel pinion is badly worn but I’m happy I can do that as a lathe project.
One of the chime rods has snapped and has been soldered, so it now has a flat sound to it. I’m going to have a go at making a new one from brass rod. Just tuning it may be fun lol.
Other than that I’m confident it will be a nice project to strip, clean and repair.
Good luck with your work on what looks like a really well done build.