Hi all,
I have recently (re)discovered my Dad's old Hornby clockwork train set – I last saw it about 40 years ago – and seems to need a little TLC. However before I can assess it properly, I need to wind the motor up tosee if it even runs. Unfortunately, there was no key in the box it was hiding in.
Now, I know the easy way out would be to just buy one – there is on on ebay for a few quid, now – but where is the fun in that ?!
I've started to think about how I could make one…some brass rod with some 'ears' soldered on and – the tricky part – with a square hole down the middle…
I think the original would have been made from a flat sheet (maybe a 1/16" thick) that was formed round a square mandel in some form of press…not a practical approach for me, given the tools I have to hand.
So how ise could I make the square hole in the key…?
If it weren't a blind hole, I'd probably drill a round hole and file it square, though I suspect that the hole in question is a but small for even that…?
How about if I were to make the squasre from 4 pieces of (small!) bar stock soldered together around a square former…?
What would be the best material to use for such a former? Specifically, something what would not stick to the solder?
I'm thinking Aluminium..? I guess it's be fine for soft soldering…? How about stainless steel?
Or alternatively…are there any other potential methods I could try?
2019's 1st challenge!!
Happy New Year!!